How to dress when you have a big breast? Professional tips and tricks: Current Woman The MAG

What clothes to wear when you have a generous bust?

We give up turtlenecks and uprights to adopt V-necklines that lengthen the bust. Your best asset? Lightweight cashmere V-neck sweater.
We also get into the habit of unbuttoning – even slightly – your shirt to create exactly the same effect.
Finally, we play with all the backless details (buttons, knots, teardrop closure …) which focus the eye elsewhere than on the chest.

Large breasts: which colors to favor?

We rush on dark colors and monochromes so as not to draw attention to the upper body. And once and for all we give up too big prints that have a magnifying effect on the bust.

What materials should you avoid when you have a voluminous chest?

Preferably, we go soft on fine fabrics and light knits which catch on the seams of the bra and which get stuck there revealing unsightly bulges. Same causes, same effects, so we also say goodbye to fabrics that are too Stretch.

Generous chest: the mistake not to be made!

It is imperative to choose well a large size bra adapted to its morphology, with a sufficiently encasing and shaping shape. The worst part: wearing a bra that is ill-suited to the depth of your cup and to your actual chest size.

Good advice when you have a big chest

Stop sailing on sight: you take two hours in front of you to slip into the lingerie store. And there, we rely on an expert saleswoman to know – finally – its measurements and invest in lingerie that minimizes.

Generous chest: top 5 clothes to have in your closet

1. The wrap dress that optimizes. Nothing is more effective than its “crossed heart” effect to highlight the breasts without excess.
2. The bra that sculpts. Its material is studied to reduce the volume without compressing for a natural effect.
3. The belted jacket which adjusts to the nearest millimeter without hindering. The best ? Kimono-style models.
4. The lightening V-neck sweater. It’s the perfect collar that lets the chest “breathe” without revealing it too much.
5. Earrings. Whatever the model – colorful or not, chic or fancy – they will look away from your interlocutor a few centimeters above your bust!

Generous chest: what can I do this season? what can I not?

Especially in winter, stop using faux-fur jackets, that’s the effect Bibendum guaranteed.
On the other hand, all the lights are green if you adopt the featherweight down jacket in Stretch material, which sculpts the bust.

The extra thing from Cristina Cordula to “erase” a generous breast

“Making you forget your chest at work to be comfortable, this requires carefully chosen clothes: a sober blouse with a V-neck, for example, to give verticality and lengthen the bust. But not too plunging or tight so as not to to sink into the vulgar “.

Read also :

⋙ Bust: which prints to wear (or not)?

⋙ Large size bra: our advice for large breasts

⋙ Bust: 4 tips to make it appear less voluminous

⋙ VIDEO – How to choose the right bra?