How to easily descale your bathroom? : Current Woman The MAG

When cleaning the bathroom, one of the most restrictive steps is probably descaling. Since faucets, sinks, pipes, etc. are constantly in contact with water, lime deposits are deposited and eventually form scale. If you do not get rid of it on a regular basis, it becomes difficult to remove. Fortunately, we have all the right techniques to help you clean your bathroom.

Use white vinegar

White vinegar is definitely the handyman of the house. If it is used in the household to clean and disinfect many surfaces, it is also an excellent descaler. Heat vinegar for a few minutes in a saucepan. Wait for it to cool down so as not to burn yourself, then soak a cloth or sponge and polish the affected areas. You can combine the action of vinegar by adding baking soda for even more effective results. Leave the product to act for a few minutes before rinsing off with clean water. Remember to dry the surface well afterwards to prevent traces from reappearing immediately afterwards, it would be a shame!

Use citric acid

When it comes to rust or lime, few products are worth citric acid. By concentrating the action of ten lemons, this magic little powder works wonders in the bathroom. Mix a little with water, enough to form a paste. Then put the paste on the scaled areas and leave for a few minutes to several hours. It will then be necessary to come to rub with a sponge (or a small brush for the places difficult to reach) to dislodge the tartar. Rinse thoroughly afterwards and repeat the operation if any stubborn traces remain. In general, citric acid is formidable in these situations, making it a must have in the bathroom.

The Coke trick

As you probably know, Coke is a significant household asset. While it is good in a glass with ice cubes and a slice of lemon, it is also particularly effective against limescale. You can empty a bottom which has lost most of its gas on your scaled taps and let the phosphoric acid act. Rinse well behind to prevent any future lime deposits from adding sticky sugar. You can wash immediately after with black or Marseille soap if you wish for additional cleaning.

Invest in a water softener

If tartar becomes an unbearable thing for you around the home, you can fix the problem at the source. Tartar is the result of lime deposits that have dried out. However, limestone is naturally contained in tap water. Depending on the hardness of it, you will be more or less subject to deposits. In order to remedy this without having to scrub like mad every week, you can choose to invest in a water softener. This device takes care of ridding your water of lime and therefore a little insistent scale problems.

Read also :

⋙ The trick to removing encrusted limescale from taps

⋙ How to descale my kettle with natural products?

⋙ This very common mistake you make with the toilet brush