How to identify atopic skin in your baby?

Atopic dermatitis is a skin problem that can affect all ages, even toddlers. On average, one in 5 babies is affected, from the first months of birth. How to identify atopic skin to relieve it?

From 0 to 2 years old, your child’s soft skin is under construction. It must thicken to form a real barrier against external aggression, but it is still very fragile. When your baby has atopic dermatitis, their skin doesn’t react as it should.

Here are the symptoms that should alert you.

1. Very dry skin

You have noticed that your child has very dry skin all over his body – with the exception of the folds and the diaper area – even with regular hydration. It is rough to the touch and can sometimes peel in certain areas. Look at the areas most prone to atopic dermatitis outbreaks in babies: their hands, elbows, face and the backs of their knees. If you notice that his skin is very dry, be vigilant, even if there are no other symptoms.

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2. Itching

The inflammatory reaction of atopic dermatitis causes irritation of the epidermis and, as a result, severe itching appears. This is the symptom that will have the most impact on your baby’s quality of life: he cries a lot and tends to wake up a lot at night as well as during his naps… Not to mention that it is impossible to prevent a baby from scratching, at the risk of increasing the virulence of the itching and even infecting his skin.

3. Red patches

Redness appears on your child’s chin, cheeks, arms, stomach, etc. These red patches, which tend to scaly, are indicative of atopic dermatitis in babies. They can sometimes ooze and crust over, and are usually very itchy.

4. Poor sleep

It is sleep that will suffer the most from your child’s atopic skin. Feelings of discomfort, itching and heating of the skin prevent your baby from falling asleep or prevent him from falling into restful sleep. This is followed by permanent fatigue, mood swings, irritability, crying, etc. Do not hesitate to seek advice from your doctor or dermatologist.

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