How to make a natural detergent? : Current Woman The MAG

More economical and more efficient, natural household products have it all. Less harmful to the environment and to health, they prevent packaging and waste from accumulating and also do good for the wallet. Discover our recipes ready in less than a minute.

The recipe for detergent with Marseille soap and lemon

To make a natural detergent for the floor, you need half Marseille soap, one liter of water, one lemon juice and one tablespoon of white vinegar. Start by grating the soap then mix it in a bucket with the water, lemon juice and white vinegar. Use on the floor with a mop before rinsing and allowing to dry.

The baking soda and white vinegar detergent recipe

This detergent is ideal for making tiles billow. In a spray, place a liter of hot water, a teaspoon of baking soda and three tablespoons of white vinegar. To perfume your detergent, do not hesitate to add a few drops of essential oil. Remember to shake the detergent before use.

The recipe for natural carpet detergent

An essential ingredient to have at home when you have carpet: the earth of Sommières. Ultra-absorbent and non-toxic, it removes even the most difficult stains and bad odors. To use it, pour a good quantity of Sommières earth on the stain and let it act for at least an hour (overnight is ideal). Then remove the product with a broom or vacuum to find a carpet like new. No Sommières land available? While waiting to get some, note that this method can also work with talcum powder or cornstarch.

The recipe for ecological detergent to replace bleach

To clean the surfaces, mix in a sprayer: two tablespoons of baking soda, two tablespoons of white vinegar, two liters of hot water and the juice of one lemon. Efficient, economical and ready in less than five minutes, this natural detergent recipe is to be adopted without delay.

Detergent or disinfectant?

Be careful not to confuse these two types of products which do not have the same actions: a detergent cleans and gives shine, but does not disinfect. As the name suggests, a disinfectant disinfects (it kills microorganisms), but does not clean. For a perfectly clean and healthy home, the ideal is to combine the two when you do the housework, starting with the detergent, followed by the disinfectant and favoring natural homemade products.

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