From Monday November 2, the start of the school year will be with a mask, for all children from six years old. Here are the tips of our expert to support your children in this situation.
From now on, children from 6 years old will have to wear a mask at school. This measure is part of a strengthened health protocol, which follows the announcements of Emmanuel Macron during his televised address on Wednesday, October 28. "From the start of Monday, the health protocol will be adapted and strengthened to ensure the protection of all, children, teachers, parents of students. In accordance with the opinion sent to us yesterday by the High Council of Public Health on wearing of the mask will be extended to primary school children from the age of six ", he said.
However, wearing a mask is not always easy for children to understand. To help you make this change with your toddler, here are some tips from Elena Goutard, Parental Coach.
How to make your child understand the usefulness of the mask?
“There are two key points: you have to explain things well in simple words. And you have to think positive to avoid the situation becoming anxiety-provoking for the child. For example, you can explain how the virus circulates and remind you of the other health measures in force (do not touch your face, apply hydroalcoholic gel).
Choose the right time to ask yourself with your child (ren), taking the time to explain and answer their questions. To do this, you can use different media such as visuals, songs or even, using their imagination. For example, you can illustrate your words with an imaginary story about firefighters or surgeons who wear masks every day, to protect themselves and us at the same time. ”
How to limit the anxiety around wearing a mask?
“Above all, the parent must not be anxious himself, because there is always a gap between what we say and what we feel. Indeed, the child can perceive what you are feeling. Try to change your outlook on the situation, relativize as much as possible. When you bring up the topic with your child, go about it calmly and with a smile.
Explain to them that everyone on their own small scale can make an effort to protect themselves and others. For young children, we can use the imagination, through little stories that we can invent. For example, by illustrating with small soldiers or animals which are very numerous. You can come up with little metaphors like “when you stick together and work, you can overcome anything”. ”
How to make the mask more fun?
“You have to choose a comfortable mask for your child, you have to question him to know if he is comfortable with: 'are you breathing well?' ; "What kind of fabric is right for you?"
It is essential to let the child choose the mask they like. Here again, we can listen to the child's imagination, asking him to decorate his mask. Then we can do training sessions with the mask at home. With this method, he will know when to wear it and when to take it off. He needs to know that we can take a break at home. You can offer to touch the mask. ”
Read also: Mask compulsory from 6 years old: here is where to buy masks for your child
How can you reassure your child and yourself at the same time?
“We reassure ourselves that we are not alone in the face of this virus. You have to convince your child and yourself that there are good and competent people who manage the health situation. For parents, try to limit media access and sort out the information that comes your way. Explain to your child that there are places to heal. Focus on healing and on asymptomatic people, which indicates that the virus can pass very easily. "
What if my child does not want to put on the mask?
“You have to value the child, tell him that you are proud of him and praise him for his daily efforts. Do not create tension around wearing the mask, and do not scold your child if he does not want to put on his mask. We must try to understand the reasons for this refusal, by providing solutions. ”