How to offer bitcoins: on the agenda of the 21 Millions newsletter

21 Millions Premium is a weekly newsletter with high added value, explained simply. It is intended for investors and is suitable for both beginners and specialists. For only 6.90 euros per month and without commitment, receive weekly exclusive analyzes to understand the big issues, price analyzes provided by recognized financial experts, crypto service tests and a summary of essential news. On the program this week:

1 – Five elegant solutions for offering bitcoins

It’s Christmas in a few days and if you have not yet finished your gifts, we offer a selection of options to offer bitcoins to your loved ones. Specialized companies now offer satisfactory solutions, while it has long been difficult to place satoshis under the tree because of the relative complexity of the operation for neophytes. Here you will have a varied range that will appeal to beginners and experts alike.

>> Our service – Invest in cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) thanks to our partner online purchase and sale platform

2 – Price analysis: a contrasted and uncertain market

The market is playing tricks on investors during this month of December. Bitcoin is slowly sliding into a downtrend, but several values ​​in the sector have seen strong upward movements. Our analyst Pierre Crypto delivers his sentiment on this contrasted and uncertain market, while pointing out the crucial price levels on Bitcoin which may give indications on the next movements. He also discusses the opportunities to be seized among the altcoins.

3 – What to remember from the week

We have selected and cross-checked the main events of the last seven days. Be at the forefront of crypto news by keeping the essentials.

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