How to play sport peacefully when you have your period?

No, the rules will not prevent us from participating in a physical activity! We give you some advice so that you can exercise with confidence.

Does physical activity increase period pain?

Fatigue, pain, bloating … When they have their period, some women do not necessarily feel in top form or very motivated to engage in a sporting activity. But contrary to popular belief, sport can reduce period pain when it is not too strong. Indeed, beyond 30 minutes of activity, the body secretes beta-endorphin whose analgesic power – which would be several times greater than morphine – significantly reduces pain.

Do Rules Really Make Us Weaker?

Another misconception we often have about periods: we lose blood, so they weaken us. This can be the case if you have a heavy period. There may be a risk of anemia and fatigue, which can affect our energy. If you suffer from hypermenorrhea, then we advise you to avoid certain too intensive sports classes. Instead, focus on gentle activities like yoga or pilates.

If the abundance of your periods is "normal", the doctors are clear: they have no effect on muscle performance. On the other hand, when they are not necessarily abundant but they are too painful, physical activity is not necessarily very pleasant. In this case, analgesics, certain essential oils but also homeopathy can help you reduce the pain.

Which hygienic protections to choose for sport?

Menstrual cup, tampon, sanitary napkin, menstrual panties … As for hygienic protections, you are free to choose the one that suits you best and with which you are most comfortable. So that women can exercise without worrying about their period, Modibodi recently unveiled a new collection dedicated to the practice of sport. This time around, the menstrual underwear brand has developed high-performance models that eliminate odors with antibacterial fibers, retain leaks and periods, wick away moisture and perspiration, and dry quickly.

Move, exercise without worrying about the slightest leak is the promise of the Running Shorts. Made in an ultra light Lycra fabric and lined with an absorbent underwear, it will not let menstruation, urine leakage or perspiration pass. With an elastic waistband and a hidden zipped pocket for carrying small items, the Running Short is the ally of all jogging outings, whatever the time of the month.

> Where to buy the Running Short?

The Active briefs will appeal to both amateur sportswomen and seasoned athletes. The absorbent, ultra-thin liner (just 3mm) holds your period, urine leakage and sweat no matter what physical activity you do. This has the advantage of combining comfort and practicality, and will be perfect to enjoy your workout in all serenity.

> Where to buy the Active Brief?

See also: The essentials for home sport

Video by Juliette Le Peillet