How to prevent anemia with a balanced diet? : Current Woman Le MAG

Anemia corresponds to an iron deficiency. It can result in symptoms such as facial paleness, persistent fatigue, headaches, palpitations or even shortness of breath, even at rest. In the most serious cases, it can cause pulmonary and cardiac complications. This deficiency can be diagnosed using a blood test, the complete blood count (CBC). Several factors can cause anemia, such as nutritional deficiencies, chronic diseases or even red blood cell disorders. Diet therefore plays a role in preventing anemia.

1. What is the link between diet and anemia?

Anemia can be caused by nutritional deficiencies, more particularly a deficiency in iron, but also in vitamin A, B2 (riboflavin), B9 (or folate), and B12. These substances contribute to the synthesis of hemoglobin and/or the production of red blood cells (or erythrocytes). These then allow oxygen to be transported throughout the body.

You should know that an adult’s daily iron requirements are 2 mg for women, and 1 mg on average for men. Certain populations are more at risk of having an iron deficiency, notably pregnant women, premature children, twins, and children of mothers who have had several children in less than 2 years.

2. What foods to eat to prevent anemia?

It is possible to prevent anemia by varying your diet, and taking care to include foods rich in:

– iron, such as pulses, red meat, blood sausage, shellfish, dark chocolate, dark green leafy vegetables, seaweed (such as nori), herbs such as parsley, seeds and oilseeds;

– vitamin B9, such as peas, Brussels sprouts, asparagus or broccoli;

– vitamin B12, such as meat, dairy products, eggs and sardines.

It should be noted that iron from animal products is more easily absorbed than that from plants. However, vegetarian people do not have a greater risk of having anemia, as long as they adopt a balanced diet.

3. Do certain ingredients improve iron absorption?

Yes quite ! Ingredients rich in vitamin C help the body better assimilate iron, particularly iron from plant products. It is therefore recommended to combine your meals with:

– fruits, such as wiki, strawberry, blackcurrant, orange, lemon or pomelo;

– vegetables, such as peppers, kale, spinach or broccoli;

– fresh herbs, especially thyme, parsley or dill.

4. What foods to avoid in case of iron deficiency?

Conversely, ingredients will slow down the absorption of iron if they are consumed at mealtime. These include tea, coffee, refined cereals and calcium supplements. It is therefore recommended to space their intake one to two hours apart from meals.

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Read also :

⋙ When should you consult a doctor if you have anemia?

⋙ Childhood anemia: causes, symptoms, risks and treatments

⋙ Iron deficiency: which vegetables are rich in iron?

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