How to put on tights without spinning them? The quick and easy tip to avoid holes: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Autumn is here. The time has come to bring out your favorite trench coat but also your mid-season skirts, shorts and dresses. And for those who are more cautious, tights are already back. However, although they may be very useful for continuing to wear our favorite looks while protecting us from the cold, they can greatly frustrate us as they tend to slip easily.

And that’s exactly where TikTok comes into the picture. The Chinese social network is known for its tips for overcoming hassles of all kinds. Shorten a sweater that is too long with style, get rid of white traces of deodorant on clothes in a few seconds, tighten a belt that is too big without making a hole… Nothing escapes the users of the platform who do not hesitate to share their findings with their community.

The super simple tip to avoid losing your tights by wearing them with an accessory that we all have at home

And this time, it’s the tights that we’re interested in. The user @sarah.kassmi shares her easy technique to avoid slipping out of your tights as soon as you put one foot in them. And for that, you’ll need something really simple, that we all already have at home: a pair of socks! In fact, she explains that she starts by putting on her socks then puts her tights on top. But why ? Slipping socks under your tights will allow you to avoid getting your toenails caught in the mesh of your tights and therefore reduce the risk of them spinning. In addition, over the course of the day, this will limit the friction between the toe and the shoe which tends to make holes more quickly. The influencer specifies that this does not prevent her from putting another pair of thicker socks on top when she wears boots in order to be nice and warm.

This is not the first tip we have discovered for taking care of tights and keeping them longer. Some people swear by putting theirs in the freezer before wearing them because the cold tightens the mesh of the fabrics and strengthens them. If you put a little hairspray on, it will have a similar strengthening effect. And to adjust them without threading them with your hands, there is also a very simple trick.

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