How to put your money to green?

In a context of economic uncertainty, it is essential to make the right choices for your savings. The recent dissolution of the National Assembly has made many savers realize that there is an urgent need to re-evaluate their investment strategies. One of the most attractive options is to arbitrage old non-remunerative life insurance policies to invest the money in SCPI. This approach not only allows you to better invest your money, but also to benefit from additional income each month.

Why analyze the performance of your life insurance?

Life insurance in euro funds has long been a preferred investment for French savers, particularly seniors. Its promise of security and stability was appealing, but times are changing. Today, several factors contribute to the disappointment of savers.

The returns on old life insurance in euro funds have declined over the years. Although these contracts provide security of capital, their performance does not keep up. With inflation forecast at around 2.5% this year by INSEE and increases in the cost of living, notably a 9.8% increase in the cost of electricity in 2024, savers see their power to purchase eroded because euro funds struggle to distribute attractive returns.

Many life insurance contracts in euro funds taken out 15 or 20 years ago are loaded with fees. These fees further reduce returns, making these products less attractive compared to other investments such as Real Estate Investment Companies which offer up to 7% return for the best. Now is the time to recover this money to better invest it in a safe haven like real estate.

Expert Tips:

To maintain tax advantages linked to the age of your contract, make a partial surrender. This operation allows you to recover part of your capital to better reinvest it. In 2024, this process can be carried out online, simplifying the process of purchasing your life insurance from your insurer or your Bank.

Why invest in SCPI shares?

Faced with the disappointment of funds in euros and economic uncertainties, many savers are turning to real estate to invest their money, and in particular SCPIs. SCPI investment allows you to invest in real estate without having to manage the property directly.

Unlike life insurance in euro funds, SCPIs allow you to receive regular income. This income is paid directly into your bank account each month, providing an additional source of income indexed to inflation.

Good to know :

The best SCPIs on the market should still yield more than 7% in 2024. A performance which will considerably increase your purchasing power so you can enjoy life without stress.

Testimonial: Jean, a retiree satisfied with his investment in SCPI shares

To illustrate this approach, let’s follow Jean, 64 years old, retired.

Dissatisfied with the performance of his life insurance in euro funds, Jean decided to turn to La Centrale des SCPI ( After consulting an expert on 01 44 56 00 23, he made a partial redemption of 80,000 euros from his life insurance.

Thanks to the wise advice of experts at La Centrale des SCPI, Jean invested in SCPI Remake Live and Transitions Europe. Today, Jean receives around 450 euros of additional income per month, which considerably improves his purchasing power in retirement.

“I am very satisfied with my investment in SCPI. Thanks to La Centrale des SCPI, I was able to diversify my savings and obtain high additional income. I highly recommend this investment approach to all savers disappointed by their life insurance or worried about the future. » Jean testifies.

In times of economic uncertainty, it has never been more important to invest your savings well. The dissolution of the National Assembly and the volatility of financial markets make traditional investments less attractive. Arbitrate your life insurance for invest in SCPI is an effective solution for generating additional income and not seeing your money go up in smoke.

To increase your purchasing power and ensure a peaceful retirement, don’t wait any longer to sell your life insurance and invest in SCPI. Contact La Centrale des SCPI at or on and start benefiting from additional income every month today to preserve your future.


Investment in an SCPI is not guaranteed, both from the point of view of dividends received and that of capital preservation. SCPIs in fact depend on fluctuations in the real estate markets.

Before making any decision to purchase SCPI shares, seek advice from a professional to be certain that this investment corresponds to your asset profile.

Finally, like any real estate investment, take into account the fact that SCPIs are long-term investments whose minimum holding period cannot be less than eight years.

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