how to reduce your notice legally?


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In terms of real estate rental, notice must in principle be given three months before departure. But there are exceptions.

The French move on average four to five times in their life. And unsurprisingly, tenants are the most mobile. Some, like students, will sometimes only stay a few months in accommodation. But when you leave a property rental, it is important to manage your timing so as not to be forced to pay several additional months’ rent.

Indeed, a rental contract for a principal residence is by default concluded for three years extendable. If a tenant wishes to leave earlier, he must in principle give three months’ notice. Even if he moves before, he will be required to pay until the end. However, there are several exceptions to this rule that allow the notice period to be reduced. The most obvious is to find a new tenant who will take over earlier. But you can also rely on certain legal provisions.

Notice reduced to one month in several cases

The notice is for example reduced to one month for the rental of a furnished property, even if the rental lasted less than a year. This is also the case for empty rented accommodation in a “tense area”, i.e. where the supply is significantly lower than the demand. The list of municipalities concerned is fixed by decree. You will need to attach this document to your notice by highlighting the city in question.

The tenant’s situation may also be taken into account, and in particular professional development. The notice will therefore also be reduced to one month if he can justify a first job, transfer, change or job loss (excluding retirement, resignation or termination of a liberal activity).

Holders of the RSA or disabled adult allowance also benefit from a reduced notice period. Added to these situations is the change of residence motivated by a medical imperative, through the allocation of social housing, and the case of family violencewhether the victim is a spouse or a child.

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