How to remove wrinkles from clothing quickly and without an iron? 3 simple and effective tips: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Clean laundry is piling up in the basket but you have neither the desire nor the energy to iron? A long and painful household task, ironing is undoubtedly one of the chores we dread the most. The only thing is, it’s impossible for you to wear a shirt, pants or even a dress with pleats. Wear a completely wrinkled clothing to go to work will make a bad impression and the same goes for your outfit for going out with your new lover.

And that’s the whole problem, how to remove wrinkles from your clothes when you don’t want (or can’t) use the iron ? To remedy this stylistic problem that many fashionistas share, we have spotted three solutions on TikTok that are as surprising as they are effective.

How to remove wrinkles from clothing quickly without an iron? 3 quick and easy tips

Use a rolling pin

No, you are not dreaming, it is possible to remove wrinkles from your clothes using a rolling pin ! Obviously we didn’t come up with this idea ourselves, we found it on TikTok. As every time we have a fashion question, we turn to this application which is a real gold mine for fashionistas wishing to discover simple tips that change life and upgrade style in no time. You can discover the effective and natural tip for removing yellow stains on white clothes as well as the one for avoiding deodorant traces on clothing in the armpits.

It is therefore no surprise that we found the solution for steam your clothes without needing an iron. We owe this find to @elodiepch_, a user known on the platform for her advice of all kinds. For this first technique, you will need a rolling pin. Then, wrap your clothing around the roller before sliding everything under your mattress. According to the young woman, the mattress will exert pressure which will remove all the folds. Let everything sit for two hours and you can put your shirt straight on!

Place his pants in the freezer

If you don’t have an iron or a rolling pin, you may have a freezer in your kitchen? If this is the case, you will be able to dewrinkle your pants and jeans very easily. Simply fold your stocking carefully and put it in the freezer for about two hours and you will be surprised to see that when you take it out it will no longer have any wrinkles! As the user points out, this technique also allows you to space out the washing of your pants and jeans, because it eliminates odors and certain bacteria. This is a way to preserve your precious denim which, as we know, are very fragile pieces.

Spray fabric softener on the wrinkled garment

The ultimate solution for removing wrinkles from your clothes without an iron is that of fabric softener. The first step is to get a spray bottle and add the same amount of cold water and fabric softener. You mix everything vigorously then you will spray its contents on your wrinkled clothing. Be careful, you must avoid your room getting too wet. Finally, simply leave to dry on a flat surface or on a hanger. If you are in a hurry, @elodiepch_ advises pulling lightly on your garment to speed up the process. And now your beautiful blouse will be completely smoothed!


I gain life points every time I say “next”! #tips #tiktoktip #elbt #tips #ironing #fashiontok #cleantok #LearnaboutTikTok #advice

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What products should I use to remove wrinkles from linen or clothes?

Do you hate ironing or do you really lack the time to take out your board and iron? Certain products, sold in supermarkets or on the internet, allow you to limit creases on clothing. Although this is not a miracle solution, and the wrinkles on cotton shirts are resistant to these types of products, it can definitely work on certain fabrics like polyester. To do this, simply spray the laundry with a product containing surfactants such as “Crease Releaser” by Lenor. You can also spray a few drops of water on your clothes and let them air dry.

How to remove wrinkles from polyester or cotton with a clothes steamer?

We know that to get rid of wrinkles, steam is our best ally. Some have also understood this by trying to iron their piece of fabric using a hair dryer or even a straightener. However, the heat emitted by this type of device could damage certain clothing materials (and hello electricity bill!). To save you from ironing sessions, in recent years, wrinkle removal has been on the rise. On the shelves of household appliances stores, there are numerous models of steamers and more or less powerful. Their advantage? They take up less space than an iron and ironing board and remove wrinkles from our outfits in no time. Saving time and space!

Read also :

⋙ How to put on tights without spinning them? The quick and easy tip to avoid holes

⋙ Sweater that is too long: here is the quick and easy tip to shorten it without scissors

⋙ How to remove tomato sauce stains from clothing? The simple trick with a product that we all have

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