How to store homemade baby purees?

/ Mom / Baby / How to properly store homemade baby purees?

The arrival of a baby turns parents' lives upside down. To maintain energy for the whole day, it is important to get well organized, starting with the meals of your little one. To save time on your schedule, it is possible to prepare your homemade purees and keep them free from microbes.

Preparing homemade vegetable and fruit porridge represents considerable time savings for the parents. Vegetable purees or fruit compotes, it's easy to make them yourself and keep them in the fridge for a few days. Please note, for hygienic reasons, it is recommended not to keep the meals more than three days in the refrigerator.

In order to avoid buying compotes and industrial purees, it is possible to make them yourself, with fresh products. These homemade compositions should be stored away from bacteria and other oxidations, in the freezer.

To prepare purees or compotes, put your food in a saucepan with a little water. Then mix your composition using a mixer and cool immediately in a container of cold water. For meat or fish, you can steam them or in a saucepan with water. To save time, it is possible to cook your food using a steamer.

How to freeze baby purees?

In order not to lose the good properties fruits and vegetables but also meat and fish, it is important to prepare food well:

  • Freeze fresh produce after purchase
  • If the vegetables and fruits are raw, you can keep them provided you wash them well, peel them, cut them up and remove the pits and seeds
  • If you want to freeze purees or soups, make sure you respect the portions necessary for your baby. For example, for a 6 month old baby, the puree weighs about 30g
  • For meat or fish, freeze only the portion you need in freezer bags
  • Please note, if you wish to freeze milk-based ingredients such as yogurt, fromage blanc or even creams, do not keep them for more than 6 months in the freezer

As for thawing, take out your compositions the day before preparation to thaw them.

What foods should I choose for my baby?

The best foods for your baby are those rich in iron like legumes: lentils, split peas, black, red or white beans. But also meat, poultry, fish, eggs and tofu. To bring fibers do not hesitate to add a teaspoon of rapeseed oil to your baby puree.

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