how to take care of our plants when they turn yellow?


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If the leaves of your houseplants are turning yellow, it’s most likely due to a lack of chlorophyll. Here are some tips for treating them.

Indoor plants are very present in homes today, but need to be taken care of. With the variable luminosity, the irregularity of the waterings, the temperature variations, it can happen that their leaves turn yellow. This is directly related to the frequency of watering. If the leaves turn brown, your plants are short of water. If, on the contrary, they turn yellow, it means that the roots are rotting and that the water does not drain well. Also called chlorosis, the yellowing of the leaves of your plants is not irremediable, even if you are not known to have a green thumb. You must, however, act quickly, because if you allow your plants to turn yellow, they risk burning and therefore dying. Don’t panic, here are some tips and tricks to reinvigorate your indoor plants.

Acidify the water for your plants

Making your water acidic will revitalize your plant. But be careful, you have to dose the quantities sparingly. For plants that need to be potted in acidic soil, just pour a teaspoon of white vinegar or squeezed lemon juice into a liter of water. Before using this acidified water, mix everything well and let the water stand for 2 to 3 hours.

Sprinkle the soil with coffee grounds

You certainly know this technique. The coffee grounds, which are obtained when using a French press, for example, help protect plants from burning. However, don’t overdo it, as it can be extremely acidic. So put a thin layer on the soil of your plant and observe the result over several days.

Check if the exposure is correct

Most indoor plants fear drafts and temperature variations. It is therefore best not to place them near a window or door, as drafts could be responsible for the yellowing of the leaves. Same thing for brightness. Some plants need direct light while others are damaged quickly if the sun’s rays impact them too much. To do this, check the needs of your plants on the Internet or with a nurseryman.

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