How to unclog a sink without a corrosive product? The effective and simple tip: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

When you wash dishes or drain starchy foods or vegetables in the sink, food may escape and go directly into the pipes. If it happens once or twice it’s not a problem because they go away gradually, but with accumulation, the pipes can be blocked. Result: the water will drain less well and your sink will be clogged. There are several techniques for getting rid of a clogged sink, including the use of chemical products sold in supermarkets. However, with a few natural products or those you already have at home, you can work miracles. Anna Baraf from the Instagram account @homeset_by_anna also shared his tip.

How to unclog a sink naturally?

To unclog your sink, she recommends pouring a little dishwashing liquid in it. Ideally, you can use a dishwashing liquid made from natural products. Then add baking soda and white vinegar. This mixture will create a kind of emulsion. “The foam created by the reaction of these products is an excellent way to clean and unclog pipes“, says Anna Baraf. Then, simply add warm, non-boiling water. You can then leave it on for at least an hour before rinsing thoroughly.

How else to clean with this mixture of baking soda and white vinegar?

This mixture of baking soda and white vinegar can be used in several ways, as long as you pay attention to possible splashes in the eyes or otherwise. You can use it in particular to clean the oven or even dishes, pots and pans where there are slightly burnt residues on the bottom. According to the home services site Wecasathis mixture is also effective in helping “to remove and eliminate odors from your toilets“. To do this, you need to put the bicarbonate all over the bowl and then add the white vinegar. Then take your toilet brush and scrub. If the stains are a little more ingrained, leave it to act for several tens of minutes.

How else to unclog a sink?

One of the most effective and natural solutions for unclogging a sink or shower is using a plunger. It really doesn’t cost much and it just takes a little elbow grease. It is a very good addition to the baking soda and white vinegar mixture.

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