how to use it on a daily basis?

The law of attraction is believing that there is a direct connection between your thoughts and reality. Money, love, health … She would be the key to getting everything you dream of. How does the Law of Attraction work and how do I use it on a daily basis? We will explain everything to you !

What if your thoughts had a real influence on your life? This is suggested by the Law of Attraction, a stream of positive thinking that links awareness to outcome. Surely you have not escaped the phenomenon. In recent years, the law of attraction has been back in the spotlight, from Instagram accounts to TikTok videos to stars such as Will Smith who says it shaped his success. But what exactly is this principle? And how to practice it easily in everyday life?

What is the law of attraction?

The law of attraction is a universal law that links consciousness to outcome. In other words, it is believing that there is a direct connection between our thoughts and reality: what you choose to focus on eventually becomes reality.

This term strictly speaking appeared in the twentieth century with the currents of Positive thought. The concept is first introduced by William Atkinson, editor-in-chief of the magazine New Thoughts, who published in 1906 the book Vibration of Thought or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. In France, the notion of creative thought appears through Emile Coué, a pharmacist at the initiative of the Coué Method and the principle of autosuggestion. But it was in 2006 when the book was published The secret by Rhonda Byrne, a bestseller with over 30 million copies worldwide, that the subject is arousing renewed interest.

How do you integrate the law of attraction into your daily life?

  • Identify oppositions

"Most of us know what we don't want, but it's not clear what we want", writes Paige Oldham in her book Law of Attraction (ed. The lotus and the elephant). However, it is imperative to be clear about what you want, to focus your energy and your vision on it. Observe what types of thoughts and activities elicit negative and positive emotions in you to help you attract what you want.

  • Transform your negative thoughts

Contrary to popular belief, the law of attraction is not about being positive all the time and keeping your face in the dark. It is normal to have negative thoughts. On the other hand, it is possible to transform negative thoughts into slightly more positive affirmations. For example: "I'm not doing anything good" will be replaced by "I'm doing my best".

  • State your desires in a positive way

The intention that you manifest must be formulated positively. Avoid sentences that rely on negative words like "no" or "not" to express what you want. Likewise, it is better not to use conditional verbs such as "would", "should" and "could". “I don't want to be stressed anymore” becomes “I want to be more serene”.

Also read: What is the 369 method that promises to make your dreams come true?

Video by Juliette Le Peillet

"Expressing gratitude for what you already have sends out positive vibes that help attract more of what you are grateful for.", explains Paige Oldham. Enjoying the finer things in your life will make you feel better and it will help keep you in a positive mood. Start by expressing gratitude for the simplest things such as a sublime sunset, a hot shower, a good meal …

What are the benefits of the law of attraction?

The law of attraction allows you to take back power over your life. Adhering to this theory suggests that nothing is impossible. It is above all a matter of state of mind: obstacles are not dangers because you learn to understand them better. On the other hand, positive autosuggestion has a beneficial effect on the thought level, that is, you will develop more and more positive thoughts and less and less negative thoughts. Repeating these positive thoughts not only helps develop positive emotion but also improves self-confidence and self-esteem. And to believe in your ambitions and your ability to achieve them, you must above all be confident and have self-confidence. A 2009 study from the University of Waterloo has shown that positive thinking is effective as long as the person using it has a minimum of self-confidence.

The benefits of the Law of Attraction are many. The changes may not be noticeable right away, as they involve a completely shifting perspective, but they will become so over time.

Can we get everything we want with the law of attraction?

There is no scientific basis for the law of attraction. This makes it difficult to say that it works every time and for everyone. Moreover, although the starting point of this theory is that the energy of thoughts is really very powerful, this one does not act in a solitary way. It's not enough to mentalize and express positive feelings about something you want, you also have to put in place all the means to get it. Downside: this vision can be guilty for some and frustrating if what you want does not manifest. Beware of injunctions and toxic positivity which would obscure your anxieties and your sadness. Your thoughts may have an influence on your life, but they do not have the power to regulate everything. But nothing prevents yourself from feasting on thoughts feel good and setting goals that will only be more rewarding if they come true.

To read to go further:

  • Law of Attraction by Paige Oldham, The Lotus and the Elephant editions, € 14.95. In this book, the author combines the law of attraction with the powerful practice of mindfulness. From meditation to writing your gratitudes, you will find many exercises that are easy to implement on a daily basis.
  • The law of attraction by Sandrine Devouges, Leduc editions, € 17. This book concretely explains how to practice the law of attraction on a daily basis in five key steps and even offers a 21-day program to take back power over your life.
  • 50 exercises to practice the law of attraction by Virgile Stanislas Martin, Eyrolles editions, € 9.90. Learn how to manifest money, love, and health with 50 hands-on, easy-to-perform exercises.