how to use the official simulator to find out your starting age?

it’s not late. The day after the presentation of the pension reform for 2023,, site of the group of basic and complementary schemes, has already put online a simulator am I concerned? by reform. An essential simulator since it allows you to check, at the same time, your counted quarters before your 20th birthday. Here’s how, in 3 steps.

Step 1 – If you were born after August 1961…

Go to Info-Retraite, the official portal for basic and complementary plans (1)and which already acts as a hub for taking stock of your career statement, or for estimating the retirement to which you are entitled (before the reform presented on Tuesday 10 January), via My retirement account.

Info-Retraite now highlights, on its home page, a zoom on his everything new simulator, Am I concerned? by the reform presented on Tuesday. Click, and if you are not yet retired, you come to the next screen. Obviously, all those born after September 1, 1961 are affected by the increase in the legal age of 64 years. It remains to be seen in what proportions and especially with how many quarters remaining to contribute to reach the so decisive age of the full rate.

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step 2 – Check your trimesters

Stage 1 brings nothing more than the (already) multiple simulators posted on the web. But Info-Retraite has information that no other site can have: with my retirement account, this portal can help you find out how many quarters you contributed before you turned 16, 18 or 20. Information that changes everything for estimate the age at which you will be entitled to the full rateage should not be confused with the legal age: you must reach the age of the full rate in order not to suffer a discount on your future pension.

Retirement Info

L, click I find this information on my retirement account. Log in using FranceConnect (with your, Ameli, La Poste digital identity, etc.), then go to the My career (and see my career then access my career).

Retirement info

The rapid visualization, as aesthetic as it is with recorded periods (in green) or incomplete (in yellow), is of no help to you here.

Retirement info

Click, in the bar at the top of the screen, on My rights.

Option 1: download it PDF of your career statementand see at 16, 18 or 20 how many quarters you have for retirement insurance, in the detail by year that appears on the 3rd page of your PDF.

Option 2: at the bottom of the page, scroll My rights by year by clicking on the next bar.

Retirement Info

Once this detail has been rolled out per year, go back to the start of your career. You can check if your summer jobs or other odd jobs carried out during your years of study were enough to validate quarters. Or just check the year of the first quarter appearing as cotis. It is indeed necessary to have perceived a certain level of income to validate a quarter, to quote Info-Retirement.

Retirement info

For this approach to change the situation, you must have contributed at least 4 or 5 trimesters before you turn 20…

Retirement: without the reform, how much will you earn at 62, 64, 65 or 67?

Step 3 – Get a truly personalized starting age

Back to simulator Pension reform: am I concerned?. You can now answer without any hesitation.

Retirement Info

The result arrives: you know if you are concerned by the reform, and above all very precisely what is for you the number of quarters required to be entitled to the full rate.

Retirement info

Example, if you belong to the generations born after 1972 and have worked in the private sector. First case, if you started contributing (more than 4 quarters) before you turned 18, you will have access to the long career scheme and leave at the earliest at age 60 provided you have contributed 176 quarters, as confirmed by this official simulator. Second case, if you have contributed sufficiently before your 20 years, this same device allows you to leave at the earliest at the age of 62 provided you have contributed 172 quarters.

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What if you are already retired?

If you answer yes to the first question of this simulator, whether or not you are already retired, the answer is quickly evacuated: you are not affected by the increase in the legal age and the contribution period .

Except for two details… The fact that the job-retirement combination generates new rights, if this reform is adopted as it stands by Parliament. And the boost promised to small retreatswith the concept of a minimum pension of 1,200 euros gross: Persons who have completed a full career and currently receive the minimum pension amount could benefit from a revaluation of their pension, according to terms and conditions to be defined in the coming weeks.

Pension reform: who can really benefit from the minimum pension of 1200 euros?

(1) is an official site without being a government site. It is run by the Union Retraite, a public interest group (GIP) which brings together the compulsory, basic and complementary retirement organisations, from the Cnav to Agirc-Arrco via the CNRACL, the Ircantec, the SRE or the RAFP.

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