How will “La France face à la guerre”, the program which will bring together eight presidential candidates for the first time?

This March 14 from 8:20 p.m., the main contenders for the Élysée will follow one another without debate. The situation in Ukraine and its multiple repercussions will be at the heart of the discussions.

With its face-to-face between Valérie Pécresse and Éric Zemmour, Thursday evening, TF1 had given itself every chance of hanging up the French at the “Tefal campaign“. A format with variable geometry, short on the front page and more stretched out on LCI. And, above all, a new program, during the high mass of the JT, an hour of prime time, able to propel the debate on a powerful launching pad. Risky bet, since this audience crossroads is strategic for this commercial channel, in terms of advertising revenue. But bet won.

On TF1 and LCI, the first twenty-five minutes of debate moderated by Ruth Elkrief and Gilles Bouleau brought together 5.6 million viewers on average, or 24% of the public, according to Médiamétrie. The second part of the show, only on LCI, attracted 1.4 million viewers on average between 8:45 p.m. and 9:40 sign its absolute audience record since its creation“, observes Thierry Thuillier…

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