How will the West respond to Bucha’s atrocities?

DThe most important thing for you this Wednesday:

Daniel Mohr

Editor in the economy of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper.

1. NATO foreign ministers meet in Brussels
2. Effect of Russian war propaganda
3. EU wants to tighten sanctions against Russia

4. Proposal for compulsory vaccination from the age of 60
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Demands more heavy weapons for Ukraine: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

Demands more heavy weapons for Ukraine: NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg

Image: AFP

1. NATO foreign ministers meet in Brussels

The Bucha massacre shook the world. The foreign ministers are discussing how to proceed.

Deliver: The war in Ukraine is just entering the decisive phase, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg ahead of the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting in Brussels today. And he makes it clear where his priorities lie. The allies should supply weapons instead of discussing them publicly. That is extremely important in this time window. It should be “high quality systems”.

Difficult: Allianz is in a difficult position on this issue. Officially, she wants to stay out of the war, but at the same time she is the platform on which the allies coordinate. The British were more explicit than Stoltenberg. Ukraine should get more powerful air and coastal defense systems, with artillery and anti-artillery capabilities, armored and protected vehicles. This goes well beyond what was delivered in the first few weeks. For the first time, Kyiv is now to receive heavy weapons and those that can be used for counterattacks. Indications by the German Foreign Minister fit in with this. The federal government is now examining a delivery of weapon systems “that we have not previously delivered,” said Annalena Baerbock.

Tank: 56 tanks from GDR stocks were allowed to be resold to the Ukrainians. The activation of Marder-type armored personnel carriers, which are currently parked at the manufacturer Rheinmetall, could also be implemented. CDU leader Friedrich Merz is calling on the federal government to supply Ukraine with all the types of weapons it wants. “The delivery of weapons does not make Germany a combatant,” says the Union faction leader. Ukraine must get the weapons it needs to push back an expected large-scale attack in the east of the country.

more on the subject

Place of horror: mass graves in Bucha

Place of horror: mass graves in Bucha

Image: dpa

2. Effect of Russian war propaganda

The atrocities in Bucha are denied. The doubts sown spread far into the families.

410: Correspondents report as many confirmed victims of massacres. In addition, four-digit numbers of shot civilians are to be expected. There are film recordings, sound recordings, horrific images, eyewitness accounts, reporters are on site, from the agencies Reuters AP, AFP, from Spiegel, BBC, CNN. The FAZ also has an editor in Butscha on site. They get an idea of ​​the terrible situation and talk to the people. And there are satellite images that match the reports. Information can hardly be better.

Deny: And yet, at a press conference in New York, Russia’s ambassador to the UN, Vasily Nebensia, said of the crimes committed by Russian soldiers in Bucha: “It’s not the case, it wasn’t the case, and it never will be the case.” He repeats it The Kremlin’s mantra is that it is a “disgusting provocation by the regime in Kyiv”. The Russian state television speaks of a production with actors. Creating contradiction and confusion is a pattern of Russian war propaganda from day one and in the run-up to the war.

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