how would have passed the last hours of the young woman

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Leslie Hoorelbeke and Kévin Trompat disappeared on the night of November 25 to 26, 2022. After three months of investigation, three suspects were arrested and two bodies were found: the text messages of the first suspect, Tom Trouillet, made it possible to reenact part of Leslie’s evening.

Leslie Hoorelbeke, 22, and Kévin Trompat, 21, had not been found since their disappearance, the night of November 25 to 26, 2022. After three months of investigation, three suspects were arrested : the first, Tom Trouillet, a relative of the couple, hosted them the evening of their disappearance in Prahecq, near Niort (Deux-Sèvres). He is indicted for “kidnapping and forcible confinement”. Nathan Badji, the second, was indicted for “assassinations”, “modification of the inventory of a crime to obstruct the manifestation of the truth” And “kidnapping and forcible confinement”. The third, Enzo C., was indicted for the same reasons as Nathan Badji. It is near the town of Puyravault (Charente-Maritime), where the latter is from, that the bodies of a man and a woman were found by the gendarmes, Friday March 3 and Saturday March 4. The results of the autopsy which will make it possible to formally identify them are imminent.reports TF1.

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Investigators were able retrace part of Leslie’s evening by examining Tom Trouillet’s email. The two are friends, and had a short romance. In a message sent to Leslie, he asks her for advice on his love life : “I just needed to talk to you about this situation and the girl I met…I’m not sure what to do, whether to try a relationship or not.” But Leslie didn’t answer. At 9:30 p.m., the young woman travels a few kilometers by car to visit friends. “She arrived, she was very happy, very content, jovial, as per usual. Some will say that it was the little ray of sunshine and indeed, that’s it. Leslie was just normal.”testified one of them to our colleagues.

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“I’m not very well here”

At 11:30 p.m., Leslie finds Kevin in Prahecq, to ​​share a veal blanquette and play video games with friends. Tom Trouillet is not part of the band. At 2:38 a.m., he texts Leslie: “If you think you’ll be back in a long time, I’ll take a card [du LSD, une drogue hallucinogène, NDLR]otherwise I stay cool.” “Well me, I just threw up my guts full of blood so as soon as I get home, I settle down. I’m not very well herereplied Leslie. “Yes, just let me know”, concludes Tom. From, the young woman has given no further news. Two days after the disappearance of the couple, Tom sends them two new text messages: “Hello ?” Then “What are you playing here?” Is he hiding something behind these messages? The autopsy should make it possible to obtain new elements.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she’s not writing about current events, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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