“HPI”, Audrey Fleurot announces the end of the series before doing “one season too many”: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

This is one of TF1’s greatest successes… Since April 2021, Audrey Fleurot has played Morgane Alvaro, a single mother of three children who sees her daily life disrupted when her abilities are spotted by the police who offer her a consultant position , In HPI. Over the years, the series has seen its audiences take off and its number of fans increase. Thursday May 16, 2024, the first channel will broadcast the fourth season of HPI. And unfortunately for fans, the adventures of Morgane Alvaro will soon end. “The fifth season will be the last”declared Audrey Fleurot in the columns of Pocket TVSunday May 12, 2024. During the conference held at the Séries Mania Festival in Lille, in March 2024, the actress had already confided that she was of the opinion that it was not necessary “boring viewers and making the season too long”. For his part, Mehdi Nebbou, who portrays Adam Karadec, assured: “It’s a wish of Audrey and me”before specifying: “We would like it to end on top, with panache and fantasy, rather than it being diluted over time. It would be a shame for a unique series that pleases so much and which we also like to do one season too long. with the risk that it becomes watered down or that it becomes downright reheated”.

Audrey Fleurot: “It is not excluded that we come back from time to time”

For Pocket TVthe actress who is “very complex” clarified: “I know it’s going to be painful, because I’m going to have a hard time finding a character who inspires me as much. I’m starting to get ready.”. Fans can rest assured, Morgane Alvaro could however return to the screen faster than expected. “When the series is finished, it is not excluded that we will come back from time to time with a 90-minute format or perhaps to the cinema”, said Audrey Fleurot. Friday May 5, 2023, in the columns of TV Major Channelsthe 46-year-old actress confided that she did not feel like she had completed her character. “There’s a chance I’ll stop without getting tired of her. In any case, I will not leave her with joy of heart because I know I will have a hard time finding such a stimulating character later.”she declared, before adding in complete transparency: “But I’m afraid of the season being too much”.

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