HPI on TF1: is season 4 better than the previous ones?

This Thursday evening on TF1, the highly anticipated season 4 of “HPI” arrives. Still so quirky and funny, is the detective series with Audrey Fleurot and Mehdi Nebbou still as good?

Morgane Alvaro is finally back! A little less than a year after the broadcast of the last episode of season 3, HPI returns this Thursday the 16th but on TF1 from 9:10 p.m. on the occasion of the broadcast of season 4. And for this new year, life by Morgane Alvaro is going to be far from being a long, quiet river.

Who is the father of Morgane’s baby?

Chase away the natural, it comes back at a gallop. While Morgane (Audrey Fleurot) finally seemed to have put her life in order, she learned in the season 3 finale that she was several weeks pregnant.

Unfortunately, the red tornado does not know who Timothée (Jeremy Lewin), David (Doudou Masta) and Karadec (Mehdi Nebbou) is the father of the child. It is therefore this thorny question to say the least that season 4 of HPI will set out to answer.

And if viewers expected to have an answer from the first minutes, they will have to be patient since the identity of the father will not be known before the end of season 4, which will not be broadcast until next fall on TF1.

The first episode therefore picks up directly after the events of the previous season, and thus allows us to follow the journey of Morgane, who once again finds herself in a complicated situation.

A narrative arc which allows the screenwriters to address the thorny issue of abortion, very often put aside in television series.

If the theme is strong, the authors manage as always to establish lightness through the character of Morgane, but also of her two children, who are far from enthusiastic about the idea of ​​having a new baby in the family .

A season 4 as funny and original as ever

Season 4 of HPI opens on a scene reminiscent of family series from the 80s. An opening sequence which sets the tone, and demonstrates once again that the authors are not afraid to play with the codes of the genre.

And if in season 3, we were treated to an episode directly inspired by video games, this new burst of episodes will also offer us its share of original story, and investigations, each more crazy than the last. This year, Morgane Alvaro will travel back in time… Quite a program!


The first four episodes of season 4 of HPI are in line with what the writers were able to offer in previous seasons. Well-crafted punchline, improbable looks from Morgane, investigation at full speed…

All the ingredients come together to make us have a good time. Morgane’s pregnancy, and her relationship with Karadec also help to breathe new life into the series and above all to bring a touch of humanity to the character who, for once, does not have the answers to everything.

The arrival of a new character

If Morgane, Karadec, Gilles (Bruno Sanches), Céline (Marie Denarnaud) and Daphné (Bérangère McNeese) are back in this season 4, the police station will have to make way for a newcomer who will sow discord within the ‘team.

A true free spirit, this character played by Thomas Scimeca, seen in the series Les Grands or Bêtes blondes, will clash with the uncompromising rigor of Karadec. Although he quickly becomes friends with Morgane, the two characters having very similar characters, Gilles will quickly become wary of this new colleague who seems to be hiding many secrets.


Tom Scimeca

In short, this new season of HPI, with its original investigations and its frenetic pace, is in line with what was offered in previous years. The new mystery thread around Morgane’s pregnancy allows the authors to renew themselves by bringing new life which should keep us in suspense throughout the season.

Who is the father of Morgane’s baby? And how will Karadec react when he learns the big news? Answer in season 4 of HPI which arrives this Thursday, May 16 from 9:10 p.m. on TF1.

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