Hubris: The virtual reality sci-fi game will arrive on December 7

Unveiled earlier in the year, Hubris is the first virtual reality game project from the Cyborn studio, a studio accustomed to VR/AR and mocap applications. Quite discreet in its communication, the title was still approached by our team at Gamescom this summer, with a presentation that had quite seduced us. Now we know the release date.

Also on PlayStation VR 2

Action and adventure game in virtual reality, Hubris mixes exploration, platforming phases and gunfights. The title also offers some puzzles to solve and swimming phases. The story will have us follow a young Triple-0 recruit sent to the Twin-Planets system. His goal ? Find Agent Cyanha and survive the hostile environment.

Hubris will be available on Steam VR compatible headsets on December 7, 2022 then will arrive on Meta Quest 2, PlayStation VR2 and other platforms still unknown for 2023.

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