Human food for the dog: What is a treat for us can be deadly for our dogs

A delicious avocado bread for dinner and some chocolate and nuts for dessert? Sounds like a delicious meal – for us humans yes, for our furry friends these things can sometimes be fatal. We show you which snacks your dogs should definitely not get between their teeth.

How quickly does it happen that something falls down while cooking, that fruit and vegetables are within reach of the dog or that they cheekily jump on the set coffee table. Will not happen? Don’t be too sure, dogs are experts at silently stealing things or even clearing out rubbish bins – and suddenly the leftover onions from the night before ended up in the dog’s stomach.

What is a treat for us can be really dangerous for our four-legged friends

In dogs, you can differentiate between deadly and toxic foods – those that can actually cause death in large quantities and those that can cause upset stomachs as well as other disorders in the body.

It is important that every dog ​​reacts differently. Some have developed an intolerance to certain foods or are even allergic to certain substances, which means that even non-fatal foods can be life-threatening. But other dogs can handle it a lot more – but you shouldn’t provoke it.

These foods can be fatal to dogs


In fact, veterinarians disagree on how harmful the avocado actually is. However, it has been shown that the meat is not particularly digestible and the core in particular can be dangerous. Avocados contain toxic persin, which can damage the heart muscle and ultimately lead to death. The pulp itself contains less, but the core contains a large amount. In addition, swallowing the core can cause suffocation.

Onions, garlic and leeks

Fried onions are probably a favorite smell for almost everyone and the leek family often refines the taste of the food. However, they are poisonous for our four-legged friends – whether raw, fried or cooked. The essential oils contain sulfurs that destroy the dog’s red blood cells, causing anemia and, in the worst cases, anemia and death.

chocolate and cocoa

We love them, our four-legged friends should not get them between their teeth if possible. Because chocolate and cocoa in general contain theobromine, which is toxic to dogs. The darker the chocolate, the more toxin.

stone fruit

In the case of stone fruit, the core is always the problem. On the one hand, swallowing sharp-edged fruit stones can damage the intestinal mucosa, and on the other hand it can lead to an intestinal obstruction. If the dog bites the core, hydrogen cyanide is released. This is dangerous for humans and dogs.

grapes and raisins

Grapes and raisins contain oxalic acid. Excessive consumption can lead to intolerance and subsequent kidney failure, especially in breeds that have a predisposition to it.


Although alcohol is a part of many societies, it is still an addictive substance. Animals should never be given alcohol.


Caffeine contains methylxanthine. This has a fatal effect on the nervous system of the dog.

Raw Pork

While raw pork isn’t necessarily a snack that we eat ourselves, it’s important with the rise of BARF culture – a diet that involves feeding raw meat. Raw pork can contain Aujeszky virus, which is harmless to humans but deadly to dogs. A disease with this is not curable and ends fatally.

If your dog has eaten any of these foods, please contact your veterinarian immediately. They can usually assess whether you need to come by immediately or whether you can wait. If you are not sure, it is better to go to the vet once more than not enough. Because even with avoidably small doses, problems can arise.

These foods are toxic to your dogs


Even though your dog will probably stare quite greedily when you get the bacon out of the fridge, you should resist the dog look. Very fatty food – including poultry skin, for example – should not be fed. It can lead to metabolic diseases and affect the kidneys and pancreas.

Tomatoes, eggplant and potatoes

In general, too many raw vegetables should not be fed to the four-legged friends, as they cannot use them properly – but a carrot or a cucumber as a small snack is fine. You should be careful with raw tomatoes, potatoes and aubergines. Boiled potatoes, on the other hand, are a popular snack for your four-legged friends.


Dogs are generally not good at digesting dairy products – some have more problems than others.

walnuts and macadamia nuts

You should remove nuts from your diet anyway. With walnuts, there is an additional risk that they could be infested with a toxin-producing fungus that is poisonous to dogs. Macadamia nuts contain phosphorus and also a previously unknown toxin that affects the digestive and nervous systems of four-legged friends.


Not only our food, but also many snacks contain salt. This can upset a dog’s electrolyte balance and lead to an increased need for water, which in turn can promote gastric torsion.

Basically, as little human food as possible should be fed to dogs. If the dog steals something from the table or if it unknowingly gets something that it should rather not eat, then always contact the veterinarian.


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