Humble Bundle: Dozens of Games for You, 100% Revenue for Ukraine

The Humble Bundle project offers you to support Ukraine by buying a very extensive pack of video games. The income collected will go to associations.

The video game industry continues to mobilize in support of Ukraine. More than three weeks after the Russian invasion, the initiatives are continuing: the latest was set up by the Humble Bundle project, which offers to sell a large pack of video games for a very affordable amount, to years- light of what each title typically costs in commerce.

Max Payne 3, Spyro, Fable, Superhot…

The pack is particularly extensive, since it has 123 articles. To make an inventory à la Prévert would certainly be a bit tedious, and above all useless since the list is accessible directly on the Humble Bundle site. However, for those who don’t necessarily know if there are games that stand out, there are a few titles that are worth a look.

If you purchase this pack from the Humble Bundle, which is available until March 25, 2022, you’ll get your hands on Max Payne 3, Spyro Reignited Trilogy, This War of Mine, Fable, Metro Exodus, Kerbal Space Program or Super hot. All these very different titles from each other are sure values, in which you can throw your eyes closed.

It should be noted that these 123 articles are not only video games: there are also novels and software. The whole pack is valued at 2,336.48 euros.

Source: Humble Bundle

The principle of the Humble Bundle packs is based on the notion of free pricing: the public puts the amount they deem appropriate for each pack put up for sale. A base price is suggested, but a ridiculously low sum can be put in theory. In the case of support for the Ukrainian population, however, there is a minimum rate of 36.39 euros.

As of March 21, more than 8.9 million euros have been raised. Neither the studios nor the Humble Bundle platform will receive anything from this gain: 100% of the proceeds will be donated to four humanitarian organizations: Razom for Ukraine, International Rescue Committee, International Medical Corps and Direct Relief.

This Humble Bundle is not the first to benefit Ukraine. A few days earlier, the platform put a pack of video games on sale for $10 in an effort to support Ukraine. Here too, the income obtained in this context is then donated to associations helping victims. We already found the excellent Super hotbut also the fascinating Backbone Where Celestial.

Since Russia launched a war against Ukraine, the West has retaliated against Moscow in an attempt to force Moscow to withdraw its forces. The video game sector is no exception: some studios have announced the suspension of their activities in Russia, while others have made donations for relief.

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