hundreds of euros soon reimbursed millions of tenants

A decree published this weekend defines the terms of aid paid this summer and next winter to all occupants of condominiums and social residences heated by collective gas, major oversights in the freezing of rates decided by the government. The first installments are expected in July 2022.

The government’s device against rising gas prices had a hole in the racket: the inhabitants of dwellings subject to collective heating have seen their bills sometimes rise by 1000 euros. Why? Because the regulated gas sales tariff no longer applies since 2016 to professional contracts or collective heating. The latter are therefore subject to the vagaries of market offers for which prices soar, denounced the consumer defense association (CLCV) in a press release. A situation which concerns 4.9 million apartments with collective heating, including 2 million in public housing. In this context, the CLCV demanded in particular the extension of the energy check to the persons concerned. And she was partially heard.

A decree published this weekend defines the terms of an aid that will be paid this summer and next winter for all occupants of condominiums and social residences heated by collective gas, as well as for all dwellings connected to a heating network running on gas. Financial compensation that will reimburse ultimately the increase suffered between November 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 for all occupants of accommodation who do not have access to regulated gas prices.

No steps to take

The people concerned will not have to take any action since it is the co-ownership trustees and the social landlords who will be contacted by the gas suppliers. They will then submit a request to the State Payment Services Agency. She’ll have 30 days to pay compensation to suppliers, who in turn will have the same time to pass it on to their customers’ invoices. The latter may, where appropriate, deduct the amount paid from invoices not yet paid.

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They can, if necessary, deduct from the amount to pay back the amounts of the invoices including tax due and not yet paid by these customers. In case of overpaymentthe customers pay it back, if necessary, to the suppliers, who themselves pay back this amount to the Services and Payment Agency, specifies the decree.

The first installments are scheduled for next July 1 for invoices paid between November 1, 2021 and February 28, 2022. A second burst should occur no later than December 1 for invoices paid between November 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022.

In some cases, refunds may reach several hundred euros. Vincent Peronnaud, director of the Oise public planning and construction office, was alarmed in an interview with World to see that the surcharges linked to soaring gas prices could reach 1000 euros per year for some of its 12,000 tenants.

Gas: save on your contract

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