Hundreds of operations – storm “Ylenia” even overturned a small truck

eight ooh Districts were hit hardest
The districts of Vöcklabruck, Gmunden, Urfahr-Umwelt, Wels-Land, Perg, Freistadt and Linz-Land were hit the hardest by the storm, and Braunau to a lesser extent. “There were many blockages of traffic routes, mostly due to fallen trees and people trapped in elevators after power failures,” says Thomas Dreiblmeier, officer on duty at the Upper Austrian fire brigade command: “In Mauthausen and Fohnsdorf there were overturned trailers, in Mauthausen the towing vehicle also threatened Overturning a truck.” The alarm at Lake Attersee was rather bizarre because a surfer seemed to have disappeared. Fortunately, this was discovered quickly and the operation called off again.

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