Hygiene: 6 frequently made mistakes to avoid on a daily basis according to a dermatologist: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Having good hygiene is a way of taking care of yourself, a special time that we allow ourselves and which often allows us to feel good about ourselves. We know those days when we have particularly succeeded in giving the right movement to our bangs, when we come out of the shower, our skin well hydrated, when we have put on a little of our favorite perfume and when we feel capable to face everything.

However, there are sometimes mistakes that we can make without really knowing it, ranging from actions that can irritate the skin to unhygienic reflexes. On TikTok, the dermatologist known under the pseudonym @dermguru regularly shares her advice and tips for taking care of her skin. In a recent publication, she deciphers the most common mistakes that we can make when washing from a hygienic point of view.

These mistakes to no longer make when taking care of your skin every day

Sleeping with wet hair

We’ve all experienced this moment: it’s late, we find the motivation to wash our hair but due to fatigue or laziness, we end up falling asleep with wet hair. Error, according to the dermatologist, who points out that sleeping with wet hair provides a breeding ground for the development of fungi and bacteria on the scalp. In addition, this weakens the hair which will be more brittle in the long term.

Brush your teeth after your skincare

Brushing your teeth should always be done before your skincare, according to the specialist. If you brush your teeth after cleaning your skin, you will leave residue of saliva, bacteria or even toothpaste around the mouth, which can cause irritation or lead to the appearance of small pimples.

Use a shower flower

The dermatologist advises against using a shower flower. The latter often remains in the humid environment of your bathroom, from one wash to another, and does not really have time to dry. In addition, all the small folds provide a context conducive to the proliferation of bacteria. Instead, she recommends washing with a single-use glove, which you wash after each use, or simply with your hands.

Not cleaning your phone regularly

We don’t necessarily make the connection, but the cell phone may be responsible for those annoying little pimples or clogged pores. It is an object that we handle and use on a daily basis, it thus accumulates perspiration, sebum and bacteria of all kinds (the dermatologist points out that it is even dirtier than public toilets!). To remedy this, simply wash it every day with cleaning wipes or disinfectant.

Do not apply your deodorant in the evening

The dermatologist is a fan of applying deodorant in the evening, particularly for people who sweat a lot. The sweat glands are less active at night so the antiperspirant is better absorbed and perspiration is thus limited the next day.

Not being rigorous enough about the hygiene of your bed linen

It’s sometimes tempting to postpone washing your bed linen for a few days, especially in a very busy daily life. But the dermatologist reminds that it is necessary to wash your pillowcases and sheets at least once a week and to never go to bed without having rinsed your body. Indeed, our bed linen accumulates dirt, sebum and perspiration, which can cause acne on both the face and body.

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⋙ Dry and sensitive skin: dermatologists reveal their favorite tips for taking care of it (and it’s surprising!)

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