“I am 34 years old and I am in the terminal phase of a serious illness, that’s why I am no longer afraid of death”

Jyoti Smith, a 34-year-old young woman who is in the terminal phase of a serious illness, says she succeeds in confronting the idea of ​​death.

It was almost 10 years ago that Jyoti Smith received her end of life diagnosis. Today, she explains as she is still alive, but with a vital prognosis of three to five years.

Atteinte d’pulmonary fibrosis And after a candidacy for a double lung transplant was rejected due to a problem at the esophagus level which could cause an acid leak in the esophagus, and then in her new pooja and which ended up being painful for the liver, Jyoti Smith came to terms with this in a big way thanks to one thing.

Jyoti Smith’s battle with illness

From the age of 16, Jyoti Smith suffered from severe pain which led doctors to diagnose next: an arthropathy which is a painful joint disease. A few years later, after his meeting with his future wife, Dave, and two weeks before his wedding, the doctors announced to Jyoti that she should start chemotherapy.

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“I started chemotherapy in October for five months. The steroids that I thought were making me swell like a balloon! Chemotherapy suppressed my immune system, which, at that time, stabilized my illness, but Chemotherapy is a little like a Pandora’s box – once it is open, we don’t say what will happenshe confided in British daily information newspaper Metro.

“This diagnosis means that I am currently permanently under oxygen”

In 2015, the diagnosis was made. Jyoti Smith is the sufferer of an autoimmune disease: the MCTD. It is a sign of autoimmune disorders with the characteristics of diseases such as the lupus (where the immune system attacks by error of the body parts), scleroderma (which causes stretching and tearing of the skin and fabric), Sjögren’s disease (which affects the salivary and lacrimal glands) and la polyarthrite rhumatoideeverything regrouped in one trouble.

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Today, Jyoti no longer separates from her oxygen. But since Jenna arrived in her life in May 2022, her doctor Marie Curie, the young woman’s life has taken a turn after she chose home palliative care.It helped me greatly to manage my mental health, my fatigue and my pain. She helped me to get morphine patches to alleviate the pain in the face, she directed me to a support for my fatigue and my relaxation“. Since then, Jyoti has taken a taste for life and continues painting, drawing, passing the time with her family and friends, and making pastries. Even if I don’t know how long it will take for me to stay alive, Jenna supports me to feel more secure in the face of an uncertain futureat-elle confié.

Actus Editorial

I have a degree from the School of Journalism in Nice, am 26 years old and am originally from South France. Passionate about reading and sport, I am also a…

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