Can you keep your skin looking great during menopause? It’s possible, according to a gynecology specialist. Here are five tips to help you achieve it.
Around the age of 50, women have to face the arrival of menopause. A phase of life that requires a great deal of adaptation since it brings its share of symptoms. Hot flashes, weight gain, weakened hair… The list is long and this last one also appears skin deterioration.
To ensure you continue to have beautiful skin during menopause, Here is asked Dr. Odile Bagot, a specialist in gynecology. She shared some tips to put into practice to put all the chances on our side. She also specifies that “Genetics plays a big role in skin texture”, she explains that all her advice can be put in place from the age of 30 to combat the effects of time.
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The 3 Pillars of Beautiful Skin During Menopause
For Dr. Odile Bagot, one of the essential elements in maintaining skin quality is hydration. With age and external aggressions such as pollution or exposure to the sun, the skin can quickly become damaged. It is therefore important to have good hydration to continue to nourish the face and prevent the appearance of signs of time. This brings us to the specialist’s second tip. To optimize your beauty routine, She advises using products based on hyaluronic acid. As we know, this substance is produced by the body itself but its production decreases with age. Many treatments use it to help plump and lift the skin.
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Finally, the last ally cited by Dr Odile Bagot is another treatment: fruit acid peeling. Thanks to these products, dead cells can be eliminated from the epidermis. This type of peeling also has the property of stimulating the skin’s metabolism and therefore promotes cell regeneration. This has the effect of giving a smoother effect to the skin and offering a more uniform complexion.
The 2 things to avoid to preserve your skin
While Dr. Odile Bagot swears by these three allies, she warns against two external factors that can be very harmful to the skin. The first is unsurprising the sun. It’s no secret that if you expose yourself without protection or if you expose yourself too much, it can be catastrophic for your skin. UV rays contribute to its aging and therefore facilitate its sagging as well as the appearance of wrinkles.
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The other thing to avoid at all costs for the gynecology specialist is the tobaccoAccording to her, the nicotine it contains attacks the reserves of vitamin C, responsible for the creation of collagen, an essential element for good skin elasticity.
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