“I am obsessed with it”: Pierre Palmade says he is devastated by the tragic accident he caused

According to investigation elements obtained by Le Parisien and unveiled on March 1, Pierre Palmade declared that he wanted to repair “the damage caused”.

The search of Pierre Palmade’s home in Cély-en-Bière and the confessions of the latter during his police custody converge on the same observation: a massive consumption of hard drugs, transformed into addiction several years ago and never eradicated. According to information from the Parisian, the comedian would have entrusted to the investigators started using cocaine at age 20 (he will be 55 in a few days). A habit that gradually turned into an addiction, before diversifying, since Pierre Palmade confided that he discovered two years ago the “power” synthetic drugs, including 3-MMC which, injected intravenously, increases libido and sexual desire.

At his home, investigators found opened vials containing cocaine and synthetic drugs, as well as syringes and injection equipment. Traces of synthetic drugs were also detected in the blood of Pierre Palmade, as well as a rate “very high” of cocaine. During his police custody following the car accident of February 10 which claimed the life of an unborn baby and which plunged two of the three injured into a serious condition, the actor had confessed that he consumed narcotics for 3 days without sleep.

Pierre Palmade wants to “get rid of his addictions”

The one who has already tried five detoxification treatments in five years, declared in front of the examining magistrate that he wanted today “to change life” and this “get rid of addictions“while repairing”the damage caused”. “I’m completely devastated that I endangered the family I hit, I’m obsessed with this, the baby who died, I pray that other people stay alive“, added Pierre Palmade.

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