“I am Super Nanny and here is the only solution to limit children’s screen time in my opinion”

Sylvie Jénaly, aka Super Nanny, is known for her expertise in child education. For Aufemini, she looks at the problem that screens pose for young people and reveals the solution to reduce their use.

When omnipresent, screens are bad for children (this is no secret). Numerous studies have shown that these are seriously harmful to the physical, mental and physiological health of the child. It has been proven that overexposure in children under 3 years old can harm language development and cause attention problems.

Sylvie Jénaly, known as Super Nanny, laments the effects that screens can have on children: “This is a real societal problem because screens have very harmful effects on children’s brain development.”, she points toFeminine. The host and presenter of the show Super Nanny, broadcast on TFXis against the use of screens in homes and invites parents to favor education that promotes social and family ties (she also told us what she thought of positive education).

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The solution to apply to limit screen time

Super Nanny is clear, it is impossible to completely ban screens from our daily lives, especially in the times in which we live. But according to her, it is essential to reduce consumption to avoid irreversible effects in children in terms of brain damage: “Parents must be aware that this is dangerous” she says. For this, the specialist recommends other activities such as painting, creative hobbies or even doing homework through a more fun system. “We need to be able to keep them busy in a different way, to draw their attention to something else with other hobbies to develop motor skills, intelligence, imagination, etc.” advises Super Nanny. She also recommends clearing children’s minds by taking them outside: “Going to the park after school is important because it allows them to release the pressure they have stored up all day at school. Even if it’s 20 minutes, it allows them to let off steam and not be on a screen.”

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Super Nanny therefore recommends applying the 3-6-9-12 method, effective in fragmenting the use of screens for children between 3 and 12 years old. She recommends prioritizing family moments in order to strengthen the family bond. “Screens cut off the relational aspect with parents and I find that this emotional connection is important for balance, both for parents, and for children..” Sylvie Jénaly insists on the fact that it is imperative to respect screen time because, without limits, children can quickly get caught up and no longer have any concept of time.

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The use of screens undermines family ties

Even if it would be preferable to prohibit any type of screen within the family home, Super Nanny is aware that this is not possible. “The massive use of screens can be explained by the fact that parents no longer have time to take care of their children” she explains. Sometimes, the only solution to have peace is to put your child in front of a cartoon, which the specialist greatly deplores: “Before, one of the two parents stayed at home to take care of the children and domestic chores, now they no longer have the time…They come home from work in the evening and are tired […] society is no longer made for families, it’s sad”.

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But if time seems to be lacking in more than one household, the education expert invites parents not to neglect the family aspect and to do as many activities as possible as a family. “It is important to create calm moments as a family and this does not necessarily require the use of screens”. It is therefore important not to forget that a child needs his parents to develop and to maintain social ties in general.

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