“I avenged all my yellow comrades” Olga confides in her departure

Olga left Koh-Lanta The cursed totem just before the grand finale. She looks back on her adventure.

After the elimination of Nicolas, the adventurers of Koh-Lanta The cursed totem, are now only six. Equity is perfectly respected since there are three men for three women. This leaves Olga, Ambre and Géraldine for the women and Jean-Charles, Bastien and François for the men. And it is the latter who wins the comfort game, the mythical bag test. Despite the 18 kg he was loaded with, François the Montpellier firefighter wins hands down against Ambre and decides to leave with Géraldine, the doyenne of the adventure, because she has not benefited from any comfort.

The two adventurers take advantage of an enchanted parenthesis and were able to eat a hamburger with fries in a luxurious hotel room in which they are spending the night. During their comfort, Géraldine proposes to François to eliminate Bastien with whom she has less affinity and who is a dangerous opponent in the events to come. It is moreover Bastien who wins the last immunity of the adventure which was played on a game of skill. He is the first finalist of Koh-Lanta Le totem maudit. During this test, the shadow of the cursed totem hovered over the adventurers who had to fight in order to avoid having an additional vote against them at the last council in the event of last place. Customary of the fact, it is Jean-Charles who found himself in last position and who was therefore sanctioned with one vote against him.

Back at the camp, the adventurers discuss the strategies to put in place while waiting for the return of Olga who sprained her ankle during the immunity test. The ex-soloist of the Moulin Rouge finally returns to the adventure, which redistributes the cards at the alliance level. In danger, Jean-Charles is approached by Bastien who wishes to eliminate Géraldine. But, to everyone’s surprise, it is finally Olga who leaves the adventure at the gates of orientation victim of François’ double vote. Very sad not to have participated in the final, but proud of her adventure Olga told us about her elimination.

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After the reunification you lose all your allies and you start to shine on the tests. How do you explain that ?
At the beginning of the adventure with the blues, I become very friendly and very allied with Alexandra and Colin who are really my pillars. Then in the yellows, I bond more and more with Anne-Sophie. And despite our hooks, Yannick and I had a good affinity. Seeing them leave one by one was a slaughter. I think the cold shower was Colin because I didn’t expect it at all. Afterwards, for Anne-Sophie, I had a lot of regrets because I felt a little guilty. When I found myself really alone, I knew that I could only count on myself to go far and I redoubled my efforts to be successful. It boosted me!

When you are on the islet, Jean-Charles tells you that Nicolas was the infiltrator of the reds among the yellows. What state are you in at this time?
There are a lot of things I discovered after the broadcast. I was quite surprised by Nicolas because when I saw him chatting with François, I thought he was defending us when not at all! Until the end I was sure he was with the yellows but that was not the case. Anne-Sophie had doubts about him but I had none. Even today I find it hard to accept the idea that because of him, Colin, Yannick and Anne-Sophie are gone. How can we have it both ways? And that’s why when I was asked to vote against him, I said yes right away. I avenged all my yellow comrades and eliminated someone who was unreliable.

Do you blame yourself for having voted Ambre rather than Géraldine because this vote would have allowed you to qualify?
Géraldine and I had a pact and I am a woman of my word. When I make a promise I keep it. Even if at the time I was very sad to leave and it shows, I am so proud of my career… I competed in some great events, including the team elastics and the individual beam event. I met incredible people like Colin, Alexandra and Anne-Sophie who are my friends today. I see them very often and we call each other every day. My friendship with them is my greatest achievement in Koh Lanta. There are other extraordinary people, in particular Bastien, who is very impressive with his determination. He is a real adventurer. The only thing I regret is having played my necklace for me instead of giving it to Anne-Sophie. Otherwise the rest is really only positive. I was in the hot seat for so long and I managed to go far when I was almost always in danger. My husband is proud of me, I’m proud of myself.

Aaricia Silvestre

When she’s not writing about pop culture, this art lover spends her free time scouring the capital’s museums (especially when admission is free). Also interested in cinema…

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