“I can’t”: Miley Cyrus swears off tour life until further notice

“I can’t”
Miley Cyrus is retiring from touring until further notice

Miley Cyrus’ last world tour was almost ten years ago.

© Xavier Collin/Image Press Agency/ImageCollect

Anyone who was hoping to see Miley Cyrus on tour again soon should be frustrated after these statements by the US star.

It’s been almost ten years since Miley Cyrus (30) traveled stadiums and concert halls around the world with her “Bangerz” tour. The fact that she will be going on a world tour again in the foreseeable future, she now vehemently put a stop to this dream of her countless fans. In an interview with British “Vogue” She swore off tour life at least for the time being and immediately gave the reasons for her decision.

Immediately after the “Bangerz” tour in 2014, she became certain that she no longer wanted to tour. “I can’t,” she realized at the time. To this day, nothing has changed: “Do I really want to live my life for the pleasure and fulfillment of others and not for myself?” Cyrus said. She came to the conclusion that she would rather sing for her friends in an intimate circle than in front of an anonymous crowd.

In front of thousands and yet all alone

“Singing for hundreds of thousands of people isn’t something I really love. There’s no connection, no security.” Despite thousands upon thousands of fans present, she felt lonely during her performances: “It’s not natural either. It isolates you, because when you’re in front of 100,000 people, you’re alone yourself.”

In recent years, Cyrus has only appeared sporadically and within North and South America, such as at festivals. According to her statements in the “Vogue” interview, she should not be found on a stage outside of America for the time being.


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