“I could no longer stand the lies”: Céline Dion confides in her desire to reveal the reality of her illness

By Louise Martin | Editor

Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais but also Married at First Looks… Louise Martin is a televore who tries, in her spare time, to remake the cakes she admires in front of the Best Pastry Chef… but she is not likely to win the blue apron! Social networks have no secrets for her, the latest scoops, the latest shows, she knows them all. She scrutinizes the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll’s outfits a little too much in Drag Race France. Little neck pleasure

While the Prime Video documentary on the Canadian star comes out in ten days, Céline Dion received TF1 journalist Anne-Claire Coudray in Las Vegas, for an exceptional interview broadcast this Sunday, June 16 during the 8 p.m. news. The artist spoke about the reasons which pushed her to show her intimacy and her daily life in the face of her rare neurological disorder.

Céline Dion: “I could no longer bear the lie”, the singer confides in her desire to reveal the reality of her illness

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After canceling numerous shows, Celine Dion has withdrawn from public life for months due to a rare neurological disorder. Suffering from stiff person disease, the Quebec singer was filmed for an entire year. In the documentary I am Celine, available June 25, 2024 on Prime Video, it allows the public to enter her privacy, her Las Vegas home and witness the terrible suffering she endures. His muscles no longer function normally and those surrounding his vocal cords prevent him from singing with the voice he used to have. But the star, more combative than ever, does not despair. The journalist Anne-Claire Coudray was invited to Las Vegas to interview the interpreter of “I will not forget you” who speaks with great sensitivity. A valuable interview broadcast this Sunday, June 16 during the TF1 news.

Celine Dion has therefore decided to no longer lie to her audience. The Canadian singer recounts the intense pain caused by her illness. “So intense that we lose consciousness“, she describes. Besides, the performer must be careful: “I can’t do too much because if I do too much I might have a seizure“. Céline Dion describes that it took months, even years, before consulting specialists. By dint of self-medicating, the artist had to increase the doses to the point of no return: “Very quickly, the doses had to increase, and at a certain point, the doses… it no longer worked. When you reach a very dangerous level of medication, and it no longer works, you have two choices: either you continue or you stop. I saw my whole life disappear in that moment. Having lost my mother, my father, my brother, my husband, being a mother, I said to myself: I have to know.”

The star denounces pressure and fear of being poorly regarded by doctors: “it’s difficult because people can judge us. This is what we say to ourselves“. But ultimately, Celine Dion thinks of her children: “I must be brave. We put so much weight on ourselves that we’ll die and it’s not worth it when you’re a mother“. The mother of René-Charles, Nelson and Eddy decides to fight for them: “I have a big responsibility, beyond being a singer“.

“I am perhaps, for the first time, Céline Dion”

Facing Anne-Claire Coudray, Céline Dion evokes the weight of the lie she carried and which is unlike her. “I’ve been an open book all my life, I’ve always told everything. I can’t change, I’m made like that“, she confides. “I had no choice, the disease took control“, agrees the Quebec diva. Céline Dion has taken the bull by the horns and no longer wants to hide the reality of her illness. “I said to myself: I don’t want my children to be afraid. I can’t take this pain of lying anymore. I’m afraid for my life, for my children, for my team, for my fans“, now assumes the widow of René Angelil who admits to having never felt so much like herself. “I deserved to belong to myself for once. Let me say that I am perhaps, for the first time, Céline Dion.“, she confesses, opening her heart to the TF1 presenter, not without a certain emotion.

She never forgets her fans: “At 56, they made my life incredible“. Moreover, Céline ends the interview with a promise: “I want to come back on stage. I don’t know when but I’m going to come back on stage. And I won’t tame this voice“.

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