“I don’t want to know when it will be”: Pierre Perret’s touching confidences about the end of his career: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

With more than 500 titles to his credit, Pierre Perret has made his fans sing since his debut in 1956. At 89 years old, the artist is currently touring France and Belgium to present his new tour, entitled My temporary goodbyes. Passionate, he doesn’t see himself stopping the scene yet. Saturday November 11, 2023, against Isabelle Ithurburu in 50′ insideon TF1he however confided: It’s only at the end of the recital that I realize that I’m no longer very fresh! But I sing for two more hours and it’s like it lasts two minutes on stage. The audience is so attentive and follows the smallest nuances of my story that it delights me. If only for that, I hate to stop. But I’m going to have to stop!” With emotion, the singer said that he felt that he had “one foot on the final word”. “I’m going to have to do my last concert one day and it’s not that far away. I really don’t want to disappoint the people who love mestart stammering on stage, have memory lapses, start to lose my thoughts… I wouldn’t like that!”he estimated.

Pierre Perret: “I always want to write”

During this interview, the one who succeeded Nikos Aliagas at the head of the show dedicated to celebrity news asked the artist if he wanted to celebrate his 90th birthday on stage. “No! And even the last one, I don’t want to know when it will be”, he said. And for good reason, he would be afraid of being overwhelmed by emotion. “I know myself”he indicated. Despite everything, Pierre Perret does not intend to stop creating. “I always want to write. I always really want to, otherwise I wouldn’t do it, I have no constraints! Even my wife wouldn’t push me to do it because she wants to rest. I don’t right now again!”, he clarified. Thursday October 19, 2023, in the columns of Ciné-Télé-Revuehe confided that he was worried to see certain artists of his generation having discomfort. I’m still in good shape, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing around twenty concerts between now and the end of the yearhe confided, before slipping: “But for afterwards, I think I’m going to put down the guitar and go fishing a little more often. When I see what’s happening to Arditi, who is feeling unwell on stage, wisdom dictates that I stop performing. You have to be reasonable.”.

>>> Click here to discover an extract from the interview with Pierre Perret

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