“I felt that I had nothing more to contribute”: Sylvie Tellier reveals the reasons for her departure from Miss France

This Wednesday, August 31, Sylvie Tellier was invited to the Touche set not at my post. The former beauty queen, who has just formalized her departure from the Miss France society, notably revealed the reasons for her departure from the famous contest.

After more than 15 years of good and loyal service, it bows out. This Tuesday, August 30, Sylvie Tellier announced in an interview with Le Figaro that she “leaves her position as general manager of Miss France”. She also confided that it is Cindy Fabré, Miss France 2005, who will now be in charge of the Miss France Committee, alongside Alexia Laroche-Joubert. “It’s a major life change for me after seventeen years of involvement in the competition. But it’s not my company, and I wanted to give a new direction to my career“, she confided to our colleagues.

Guest on the set of Do not touch My TV this Wednesday, August 31, Sylvie Tellier returned to her choice to leave the mythical beauty contest. Faced with Cyril Hanouna, the one who was Miss France in 2002 first indicated that she did not have “made a sudden decision”. “I felt that maybe I had nothing more to contribute. I lived the best years. I was with exceptional girls and I am very proud of what they have become”she continued.

Alexia Laroche Joubert at the origin of the departure of Sylvie Tellier?

Regarding the rumors about a potential departure because of the arrival of Alexia Laroche-Joubert in the company Miss France, Sylvie Tellier assured that this was not the case. “I’m not going for that. If I left for that, I would have left sooner because Alexia has been there for over a year”she assured, before adding: “It’s not that I’m bored at Miss France, but I want a challenge.

The now ex-director general already has a good idea of ​​what she wants to do in the future. “I want to undertake. I spent 17 years taking care of the Misses and today I want to take care of France”she said, before explaining how this will concretely materialize: “I find that since the Covid, we have companies that are suffering, and I would like to promote French know-how. We have plenty of SMEs, plenty of craftsmen, who have gold in their hands but who do not have the expertise, the experience of the media, business or digitalization. And I want to help all of his businesses.”.

© Denis Guignebourg

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Sylvie Tellier
This Tuesday, August 30, Sylvie Tellier announced in an interview with Figaro that she “leaves her position as general manager of Miss France”


3/12 –

Sylvie Tellier
Sylvie Tellier also confided that it is Cindy Fabre, Miss France 2005, who will now be in charge of the Miss France Committee, alongside Alexia Laroche-Joubert.


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Sylvie Tellier
“It’s a major life change for me after seventeen years of involvement in the competition. But it’s not my company, and I wanted to give a new direction to my career”, explained Sylvie Tellier

© Jack Tribeca

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Sylvie Tellier
Invited to the Touche set not at my post this Wednesday, August 31, Sylvie Tellier reconsidered her choice to leave the legendary beauty contest


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Sylvie Tellier
Faced with Cyril Hanouna, the one who was Miss France in 2002 first indicated that she had not “made the decision at once”


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Sylvie Tellier
“I felt that maybe I had nothing more to contribute. I lived the best years. I was with exceptional girls and I am very proud of what they have become,” said sued Sylvie Tellier


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Sylvie Tellier
Regarding the rumors about a potential departure because of the arrival of Alexia Laroche-Joubert in the Miss France company, Sylvie Tellier assured that this was not the case


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Sylvie Tellier
“I’m not leaving for that. If I was leaving for that, I would have left faster because Alexia has been there for over a year”, assured Sylvie Tellier


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Sylvie Tellier
“It’s not that I’m bored at Miss France, but I want a challenge,” added Sylvie Tellier

© Christopher Clovis

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Sylvie Tellier
Sylvie Tellier already has a good idea of ​​what she wants to do in the future


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Sylvie Tellier
“I want to undertake. I spent 17 years taking care of the Misses and today I want to take care of France”, indicated Sylvie Tellier

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