“I find it a bit hard”: François Berléand reacts to Emmanuel Macron’s controversial remarks on the unvaccinated (VIDEO)

Guest of Unexpected Journal on RTL on Saturday January 8, François Berléand reacted at the microphone of Ophélie Meunier to the remarks, a few days earlier, of Emmanuel Macron, decided to “piss off the unvaccinated”.

The controversy has been in full swing for several days. Tuesday, January 4, Emmanuel Macron triggered strong reactions after making familiar comments about the unvaccinated. That day, the President of the Republic received, as part of an exchange for an article of the Parisian, seven readers of the daily in the village hall of the Élysée, to discuss the health crisis and the violence of the fifth wave, accentuated by the strong contagiousness of the Omicron variant. To a nurse, present among the guests, and who confided her dismay at seeing so many unvaccinated in intensive care, the President of the Republic bluntly blurted out: I really want to piss them off. And so we will continue to do it, until the end “.

“I find it a bit hard”

But while Emmanuel Macron is criticized from all sides for these controversial remarks, it turns out that he found support in the person of … François Berléand. Guest of Unexpected Journal on RTL, the actor told Ophélie Meunier’s microphone that, despite the words used, he shares the opinion of the President of the Republic, even if he “don’t like it when you use swear words”. Pissing off me … From a president, I find it a bit hard, but at the same time, you have to tell it like it is, said the star of Choristers, which recalls that “80% of people in intensive care are not vaccinated”. “So 20% are, but we know that vaccination will be decisive in the fight against Covid. I am a pro vax and not an antivax. We are in the realm of the absurd. I do not understand the antivax, he added.

Emmanuel Macron “fully assume” his comments

Familiar words from the president that go badly, but that the latter fully assumes. “All of the people I spoke with were outraged at our compatriots who did not want to be vaccinated, he confided in a press conference with Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission. I was facing two caregivers who told me that we should no longer treat unvaccinated people who arrive in the emergency room. From where I am, I can’t help but be concerned about this. We can be moved by forms of expression that may be familiar but I fully assume, he assured.

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

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