“I grew up in a loving, happy and poor family”

“I was born in Bondy and I moved with my family to Hérouville-Saint-Clair, in the Caen suburbs, when I must have been 5 years old. It was there, on my bed, that this photo was taken… Of course, it shows that I already liked to laugh a lot. And I’m often told that today I still have that childish smile that I wear there, the one in which you can’t see any mystery… A real frustration for me who would dream of having an air of James Bond.

If I laughed a lot, on the other hand, at the time, I was very discreet, calm, the one that we did not calculate. I come from a family of nine children and, in the siblings, there was always more beautiful, funnier or more intelligent than me. As a result, in primary school, I was wise and serious. It was at the college in the Guérinière district, in Caen, that things went wrong. I was tall, lousy, I didn’t wear brand clothes, so I understood that the only solution to get closer to the girls would be to multiply the valves, which didn’t help my concentration in class…

“I discovered very late that it was not in the order of things to go on vacation when you live in Bondy. »Jean-Pascal Zadi

I grew up in a loving, happy, poor family. I thus discovered very late that it was not in the order of things to go on vacation when you live in Bondy, and that not all Parisians live in studios, unlike the friends of my parents to whom we were visiting. But my father always said: “The time you spend worrying is the time you could spend being happy. » This maxim taught me to enjoy life. We all know the final chapter, so, until then, we might as well laugh. It is this state of mind that taught me not to complain about my fate.

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My mother and father both have a great sense of humor and meals were the occasion for long discussions and laughs. They have thus brought together a close-knit family that keeps my feet on the ground. We all go on holiday together every summer in Spain. Finished Bondy! When we see each other, we debate and winnow until 4 a.m., based on rather mean jokes. Moreover, the “borderline” humor found in my screenplays for films and series comes from there.

This is why we are all very sharp at the level of the spirit, because we grew up in an atmosphere of permanent verbal jousting. Finally, especially my brothers and sisters, because, me, I have a very bad sense of repartee. I have the spirit of stairs, it is undoubtedly the shy child that I was who stands out. My heart will beat very fast and I will stammer. I much prefer to prepare and refine my text. But I have no misplaced pride and I take all the jokes that can be made to me very well, probably because my own mother has always winked at me as much as she loved me. »

The Year of the Shark (1 h 27), by Ludovic and Zoran Boukherma. With Jean-Pascal Zadi, Marina Foïs and Kad Merad. In theaters August 3.

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