“I had my dose!” : Single for 1 year, has Alessandra Sublet given up on love?

It is in the South of France thatAlessandra Sublet now leads her life, however going back several times a month to see her children Charlie (9 years old) and Alphonse (7 years old). The popular host of TF1 – who wants to end her career in this environment -, which we find in the jury of the show Mask Singerlives there alone and it suits her very well!

Interviewed by the magazine Paris Match, Alessandra Sublet assumes her choice to have left Paris to live in the sun. “I receive a lot, whether it’s friends or family, and they all think I’m crazy because I had a space set up to isolate myself! So this is my house!“, she specifies, assuring that she “like to be alone“. Emotionally speaking, the star also seems comfortable with living alone, after several sentimental disappointments. “I’ve been single for a year [depuis sa rupture avec le jeune et charmant Jordan, NDLR]my girlfriends make faces when I tell them, but I have my children, my friends, a lot of work, and I often wonder where I would fit a man in the middle of all this“, she adds.

At 45, Alessandra Sublet therefore has no stress at the idea of ​​being alone and does not seem in a hurry to register on Tinder or other to find a companion. “I had a very pretty first life together [elle a été mariée à Thomas Volpi puis à Clément Miserez, père de ses deux enfants, NDLR], only I had my dose! It’s hard enough to support yourself. So maybe I’ll remarry, but I won’t live under the same roof as anyone else. Just as I will never have a child again. I have two, I love them, but they are enough for me“, adds the host and aspiring actress that we find in Handi-Gang on TF1. “I do not suffer my loneliness, on the contrary, I went to seek this freedom, it is priceless“, she shouts.

The full interview with Alessandra Sublet can be found in the magazine Paris Matchon newsstands April 28, 2022.

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