“I have already seen him get angry”

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Invited in Buzz TV this Tuesday, February 20, Laurent Maistret made some confidences about the behavior of Denis Brogniard on the set of Koh-Lanta.

Denis Brogniard has been under the fire of critics for a few weeks. The host of Koh-Lanta is accused of having aggressive behavior with the female journalists who work with him. Laurent Maistret was invited in the TV buzz this Monday, February 20. The opportunity for the one who officiates at the moment in The apprentice adventurers, on W9, to return to the behavior of the presenter of Koh Lanta on the shoots. “He’s a hot-blooded person. He can get angry sometimes. I’ve seen him get angry before, but it wasn’t in front of a woman. I think not even compared to men, he can be a little sanguine”he explained.

Moreover, Denis Brogniard has already lost his temper against Laurent Maistret. “Because once I did a test – I think it was my first season – and I didn’t go all the way. He was disappointed to see that I didn’t go all the way. ‘at the end, he gave me a somewhat harsh reflection. But it was kind of to wake me up, to jostle me. Maybe it was for my good.” he explained. Before adding: “It’s true that he’s someone with blood, a little hard, but besides, I know that when my mother died, he called me”. “He doesn’t do things by halves”, he explained.

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The hurtful words of the host

A few weeks ago, Denis Brognard was implicated in an investigation carried out by the magazine Here is. In particular, he allegedly spoke violently to Charlotte Namura, telling her that she “was just sh*t, only good for smiling”. “Denis mistreated a lot of people. Most don’t dare talk about it because they work at TF1 and they’re afraid of losing their jobs. The leaders of the channel know it, they should prevent him from doing harm, but they do nothing”, she explained.

Same story from Anne-Laure Bonnet, who worked with him between 2008 and 2009. For his part, Denis Brognard had tried to speak on the subject. “I am very committed, a perfectionist and on the occasion of two live broadcasts on TF1, where the pressure is very intense, I had words that went beyond my thoughts, comments that offended some people and I regret it“, he had explained.

A journalist for several years, Léa has specialized in the web. Versatile, she likes to decipher the news on a daily basis. Her favorite subjects are: health, well-being, lifestyle and …

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