“I have an idea for France”: the solutions of the French, far from political speeches

Louise Bernard with Alexis Patri

Julian Bugier launches Thursday evening on France 2 “I have an idea for France”, a new debate program which aims “to improve public debate and living together”, by giving the floor to the French, rather than politicians campaigning for the presidential election.


A debate between citizens. Julian Bugier reveals Thursday evening on France 2I have an idea for France, a program that gives voice to seven French men and women who come to give their ideas and their solutions for France. They will intervene on everyday issues: wage inequality, disability, purchasing power, for example. These seven French people will interact with the public present: 120 citizens and four experts: former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, journalist Isabelle Giordano, the boss and creator of “C’est qui le patron?” (number 1 milk brand) Nicolas Chabanne, and economist Anne-Sophie Alsif. So no policy in place. And even less candidates for the presidential election.

A debate with “those who make the life of France”

“The idea of ​​the show is not to give a voice to politicians. What we want is to create a kind of suggestion box in which the candidates for the presidential election could come and draw “, explains Julian Bugier at the microphone of Europe 1. “To date, we do not know all the candidates for this election, so it was complicated to make choices among 12 or 18 candidates. And we wanted to keep a form of spontaneity, with the actors of civil society, those who make the life of France.”

Julian Bugier wants this program to contrast with the current atmosphere in the media, where we debate a lot, but where we no longer listen to each other, according to him. “This kind of program gives citizens a voice and is positive. In the media, we always have the impression that everything is going badly, that we are declining in our way of telling information. In I have an idea for France, we give voice to people who do things. So if it can improve the public debate and live it together, we will have already done a great thing. I have an idea for France is to be discovered Thursday evening at 9:05 p.m. on France 2.

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