“I have never heard a voice like that”, Mika amazed by this talent that he sees winning

During the semi-final of The Voice, broadcast this Saturday, May 18, on TF1, coach Mika mentioned the admiration he has for one of his talents.

It is a special program which was broadcast this Saturday, May 18. After three intense competitions, only eight candidates remain in the running on the show The Voice. In fact, apprentice artists only have a few steps left to complete before finishing this adventure. And each of them dreams of winning the trophy. However, before getting there, they must go out and perform their best stage performances, in order to reach the final.

For this show, the rules for choosing the winning candidates of the duels have changed. Indeed, four former participants of The Voice were invited by the production of TF1. Their votes correspond to 20% of the votes given to the candidates. The total public votes correspond to 80% of the votes. Young singers have no choice but to do their utmost to convince.

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Passionate performances

To launch this special show, Clément and Gabriel Lobao, who were coached by Mika during this 13th season, took to the track. If the first chose to perform the song Sky Fall of Adelethe second opted for the song Letter to Franceby Michel Polnareff.

When Clément took the stage, he first began to sing gently and soberly. Then, certainly challenged by the challenge of his performance, he pushed his voice, as he approached the second part of the song, an iconic title taken from the soundtrack of the James Bond film of the same name.

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Mika, admiring a semi-finalist

After finishing his song to applause, Clément gave his place on stage to Gabriel Lobao. As a reminder, the latter was the first semi-finalist of the TF1 singing competition. “I’m in the semi-finals. I can’t believe I’ve made it this far,” he declared before singing. The 25-year-old musical comedy composer chose to defend his place with a title by Michel Polnareff. With a crystal clear voice, the candidate has the gift of surprising his coach.

Indeed, during the coaching sequence with the juror of The Voice, the latter did not hide his admiration for the candidate. “He can do things with his voice that no one else can do. In all my previous seasons, I say, I have never heard a voice like that”, declared Mika, about her foal. The young man then relied on his vocal power to deliver a performance that amazed the audience.

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