“I hide to cry”, a winner confides her sadness

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Adventurer in the show Koh-Lanta in 2020, Naoil seems to be going through a complicated period. On Instagram, she spoke of her pain to her many subscribers and received their support.

Naoil made himself known by participating in Koh-Lanta: The island of heroes in 2020. After her participation, the young woman lived through complicated times with the death of her father, then of her brother shortly afterwards. “To you, my little brother, who joined the angels. I didn’t even have time to realize that dad left that you decided to join him“, she wrote in September 2021. She also paid tribute to him a year after their tragic disappearance. “A year. Sabr (patience) is when your heart burns and you remain silent. Forever and forever in my heart. I love you dad.

This Thursday, February 8, Naoil agreed to share his feelings in a publication shared on Instagram. The young woman did not hide her emotions. “People often tell me that I’m strong and a warrior. Yes it’s true, I am without really having a choice”, she revealed. If Naoil seems to be experiencing new complicated moments, she did not say more on the subject:It’s so hard… If you knew how many times I hide to cry… But at the same time, being strong and moving forward is easier for me than feeling sorry for myself, which could obviously be much worse.”

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The support of its subscribers

Touched by the words of the former adventurer of Koh-Lanta, internet users have tried to reassure her. “It is a strength to mourn my sister. You are admirable humble inspiring and a pure soul. Favorite 2022“, “We are together my sister”, “Everyone knows their own pain. You’re the only one who knows how much strength it took you to reveal yourself and keep walking”, “Crying, breaking down is far from being a weakness and being a warrior is certainly not contradictory to being sensitive and human . I don’t know what hardships you’re going through, but time heals sores.” can we read. Naoil can count on the support of its many subscribers!

A journalist for several years, Léa has specialized in the web. Versatile, she likes to decipher the news on a daily basis. Her favorite subjects are: health, well-being, lifestyle and …

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