“I refused to go to a friend’s birthday party at a very expensive restaurant and these are the comments I received”

A 24-year-old young man recounts his experience attending a friend’s birthday dinner at an expensive restaurant. A rather common situation.

On TikTok, Sean Lans, a 24-year-old New Yorker, tells an anecdote that probably many other people have already experienced. In fact, the young man says he was invited to a birthday party at rather high budget. The evening was divided into 2 stages: a restaurant followed by an evening where the entry ticket is 35 dollars.

But the price of the restaurant was also very high since according to Sean Lans, the restaurant’s cheapest entrée was a hamburger at $41. And it was still necessary to add 11 dollars for fries. “I don’t really want to spend a week’s worth of racing for a single evening,” explains Sean Lans in a TikTok video posted on January 29.

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His friend angry after his absence at the restaurant

The young man therefore decided to do not go to the restaurant and join his friend at the party. Once there, he notices an unfriendly atmosphere towards him and his friend is angry with him for not coming to the restaurant. “Yes, it’s your birthday, but you should know if your friends will be happy with the place you chose,” he defends himself on TikTok

“I’m sorry, but if you have working class friends and you expect them to go on expensive dinners and trips, there is something wrong with you,” commented a user under his TikTok video.

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Internet users get involved

Many Internet users then gave their opinions in the comments. Some have offended that the host did not pay the bill for their birthday dinner. “I guess dinner is taken care of by the host, right? I’ve never been to a birthday dinner where I had to pay for my own food,” writes a user. And for good reason, depending on cultures, the person celebrating their birthday is supposed to pay for their guests (like at a wedding), and not the other way around.

Other Internet users felt that his friend should not have blamed him for not being present at the restaurant, if the price of the restaurant is not within his financial means. A situation that happens quite often in groups of friends and which is not always easy to manage. “You did well. Not everyone has unlimited money to spend like your friend”, sums up another Internet user.

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