“I started thinking about”, the actress moved to tears while talking about Matthew Perry

Guest in the show Actors on Actors, from Variety, the actress Jennifer Aniston spoke with emotion of Matthew Perry, her former playing partner in Friends, who died at the end of 2023.

They made television history during the 1990s. Alongside Courtney Cox, David Schwimmer, Matt Le Blanc, Lisa Kudrow, and the late Matthew Perry (who died at the end of October 2023), Jennifer Aniston played Rachel, one of the main characters of Friendsa television series which was a real hit with viewers.

Series Friends was adored by millions of fans during its ten years of broadcast (from 1994 to 2004). It remains very popular, thirty years after the end. Currently starring in the television series The Morning ShowJennifer Aniston was invited to the set of the show Actors on actors, from Variety. Brad Pitt’s ex-wife answered questions from journalist Quinta Brunson.

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Jennifer Aniston in tears

During the interview, the presenterActors on actors spoke about the series that made her guest famous. “How does it feel to see Friends today?”Quinta Brunston asked Jennifer Aniston. With tears in her eyes, visibly very movedthe actress replied: “Oh God, don’t make me cry. Don’t make me… Let’s not make us cry…”. Trying to temporize the situation, the journalist from Variety then assured his guest: “We don’t have to do that.”.

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Jennifer Aniston immediately explained: “It’s okay, it’s okay… Sorry, I started thinking about… These are tears of joy”. Still moved, she then shared some anecdotes about Matthew Perry, her deceased former playing partner. She thus explained that she remembered the first day of filming the series Friends like it was yesterdayalthough thirty years have passed. “Matthew and I were having lunch somewhere and we knew that Lisa (Kudrow, editor’s note) was getting a color done, so we went to the hair salon, and I took the place of the guy who was supposed to wash her hair , it was really nonsense. But the excitement we had, I feel like it was yesterday”she added.

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Strong links between the actors of Friends

The bonds between the actors of Friends are very strong. They all more or less mentioned it in interviews. “We were more than just film colleagues. We are a family, they wrote jointly on October 30, in a press release, a few days after the death of Matthew Perry. They further stated: “We are all totally devastated by the loss of Matthew.”

At the conclusion of her interview with the Variety journalist, Jennifer Aniston also recalled this unwavering bond between the actors of the series. Friends. She also honored the memory of Matthew Perry. “The fact that he had such a long and wonderful life and still means a lot to people is one of our greatest gifts. We could never have imagined this. We always see each other. I FaceTimed Courtney Cox last night for an hour. I had Lisa Kudrow and the boys a few days ago. It’s a forever family.”

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