“I still have Bitcoin” this turbulent billionaire reveals himself

“At a time when there is too much money…” – These words are those of Paul Tudor and they alone sum up the bottom of his thought current. In these uncertain times when the ticket board running at full speed in Europe and the United States, let’s stop for a few moments to listen to the words of an old veteran of the finance international. He has something to tell us about Bitcoin. Selected pieces.

Paul Tudor relatively pessimistic about the economic situation

Paul Tudor is not really a billionaire like the others. Born in 1954, he made his fortune in finance by taking daring positions and going against the current of the doxa of the end of the 80s. Ecologist and philanthropist, he created the Robin Hood Foundation in 1988. mission to fight against poverty in the United States and more particularly in New York.

In an interview with the American media CNBC picked up by the specialized press, he answered questions on the current economic situation. And more particularly on the state of its positions in bitcoins. For him ” US stock and bond market enters uncharted territory with Fed rate hike “. He adds that ” money printing leads to inflation and significant tax expenditures “. Because of this, ” something like crypto, especially Bitcoin and Ethereum which have a finite quantity, will have value at some point “.

Paul Tudor on CNBC set (pictured right) – Source: Twitter

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Bitcoin and Ethereum to hedgingbut not only

Its management fund is strong 7.5 billion of declared net worth. It therefore takes a lucid look at the current economy. For him, the monetary policy of the years 2020 could be focused on country-by-country debt dynamics, with budget cuts or higher long-term premiums in bond and equity markets “. And it is for all these good reasons that he still owns the bitcoins he bought in 2021. They represent “ a very minor allowance that he always had “.

To the question of knowing How many rises its small allowance can be based on a statement from 2020. At that time, he was talking about 1 to 2% of its assets totals invested in crypto. Mainly in BTC and ETH. 1 to 2% of 7.5 billion, we let you do the calculations… Besides, aboutallocation portfolio, it is always good to remember the words of this same Paul Tudor in 2021. In response to a question on inflation and the Fed’s monetary policy, he advised the following breakdown: 5% Golden, 5% in cash, 5% in raw materials and 5% in bitcoin.

This is of course not advice. investment. It’s just a little reminder shot from someone who’s been through all the seizures for years 70. He is always billionaire. Discreet in the media and invested in his charitable works, he is described by Reuters as “one of the giants”. Clearly not the same style as another billionaire regularly on the front page of our columns.

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