“I thought I was over my friend’s death until I did this stupid Tik Tok test”

While she lost her best friend in 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic, Toni Crowe quickly realized that she was still thinking about the one she had known since middle school…

A woman named Toni Crowe told a moving story on the site Your Tango. Successful author, she has written six books including two bestsellers in which she gives real life lessons. This time, she spoke about a subject that is particularly close to her heart: the death of his best friende. While she thought she had mourned over the years, she was recently plunged into immense sadness…

It was when doing a test on TikTok that it all started: “I was innocently sitting outside with my cat, enjoying the sun and the sound of the hot tub waterfall. I was reading my texts. One of my Gen Z relatives sent me a silly quiz on TikTok who said I would recognize several devices if I was old enough. I’m getting older every day, so I played the game”, she revealed.

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“Sadness overwhelmed me and I cried”

Gradually, Toni Crowe was upset…. She even experienced physical symptoms related to grief : “About halfway through the quiz, something unexpected happened to me: I felt a physical reaction. My stomach tightened and I felt a burning sensation in my chest.e like a slight heartburn. Sadness overwhelmed me and I cried. Big tears were falling from my eyes. My mind told me why?”, she explained.

Indeed, the author remembered that she was used to to do this kind of test with your best friend : “The last time I took one of these tests, It was four years ago, when my friend Jackie sent it to me”, she revealed. And to continue: “Jaclie, who I knew since middle school, used to send me all these stupid tests.”

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Her friend died during the Covid 19 pandemic

She then returned to the death of her friend during the Covid 19 pandemic : “Jaclie died at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a devastating time where so many people were dying from the disease that we didn’t have the chance to say goodbye to them”, she confided. And to conclude: “No funeral, no memorial, no remembrance. She was there, then she left.” Ultimately, Tonie Crowe was never able to say goodbye to her friend and remains marked by mourning to this day!

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Never forget that healing from grief is a painful journey… And it’s okay to take as much time as you need. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to listen to your emotions as you move forward. Expect to return to a time of sorrow or joy… It’s just part of life!

A graduate of CELSA, I have always been passionate about journalism since my early childhood. Originally from the South of France, I left Nice, my hometown, to come live in…

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