“I thought it was over”, she shares her joy at being at the Cannes Film Festival

While she is in remission from her cancer, Emilie Dequenne walked the red carpet of the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. Invited on the show C à vous, she expressed her enthusiasm to be back on the Croisette.

Emilie Dequenne is a real fighter. Seven months after the announcement of his cancer, the actress is finally back. And she made a notable appearance at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival this Tuesday, May 14. Last April, the young woman revealed that she was in remission after several months of a fierce battle against a rare cancer. So you always have to believe it! Come on, we don’t give up ! Never. I think of those who face illness, I am with you, with all my heart, I send you my strength and I take you in my arms“, she wrote on Instagram.

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After thanking her family and loved ones, the 42-year-old actress however warned that the fight was not over for her. Despite everything, she wanted to share her immense happiness with her subscribers:The battle is not over. I am under very close surveillance and undergoing treatment, but my morale is of steel. What did I say ! A dignified joy of living of a princess who would talk to birds !”she continued.

Emilie Dequenne moved to tears in C à vous

Guest on the show C à vous, Emilie Duqenne spoke in all sincerity about her presence in Cannes. She revealed that she did not “never could imagine in August 2023 being on the red carpet” This year. “For me it’s symbolic to come back here”declared the Belgian, before recounting how she learned of her illness just a few weeks after her last appearance on the Croisette the previous year. “I fell into an absolute nightmareI told myself it was over […] This remission which allows me to be here, I wanted to share it”, she explained.

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In the France 5 program, a sequence showing the actress awarded the Palme d’Or for her role in Rosette during the Cannes Film Festival in 1999 was broadcast. The actress could not hold back her tears. And for good reason, it is a memorable memory for the actress: “What happened 25 years ago was a shock for my family and what is happening 25 years later, it was a shock for my family so obviously, there it is, it’s happening the other way around”she confided.

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The actress is still “under close surveillance”

While she is now in complete remission, the actress is still undergoing treatment and remains “under close surveillance”. Today, the actress “doing well, with days with it, and days without it”, she explained on France 5. Indeed, Emilie Dequenne prefers to stay on her guard…

The actress then continued: “It’s the very principle of a chronic illness. But, basically, things are going very well because I responded very well to chemotherapy and my surgeon announced a complete remission. There is no longer a trace of cancer in my body, although I am monitored very closely. I want to die as late as possible, very old, and enjoy every moment!“.

A graduate of CELSA, I have always been passionate about journalism since my early childhood. Originally from the South of France, I left Nice, my hometown, to come live in…

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