“I want to attack those who commit white-collar delinquency!”

The candidate of the French Communist Party Fabien Roussel defended, Thursday, April 7 on BFMTV, his proposals in terms of secularism, security and purchasing power. The objective: to fight against tax evasion to allow “France happy days”.

Fabien Roussel was at the microphone of Apolline de Malherbe on BFMTV this Thursday and shared his vision on secularism. While Samuel Paty’s family has filed a complaint against the state, the communist candidate shares the family’s wish to have an explanation: “Why was there no teacher protection? There were signs!” adding that “it is up to justice to know whether the State has failed or not”. The latter took the opportunity to reiterate his support for teachers: “We must not back down on freedom of expression.” For the communist candidate, the principle of secularism must however remain intact: “There are laws that are implemented, let’s not touch them! […] This is not what fills the fridge of the French!”

We must “decide together to disarm the planet”

In terms of international politics, Fabien Roussel proposes leaving NATO after the end of the war in Ukraine. He is campaigning for “a new cooperation with the fifty member countries of the European continent”. According to him, the leaders in power must show more firmness with regard to the Russian leader: “We must do everything possible to force Putin to back down […] there are not enough sanctions”.

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On nuclear armament, the communist candidate wishes to engage in negotiations: “our international fight […] it is to decide together to disarm the planet”. He is committed to “an international treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.”

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“A trader is useless and it’s expensive!”

The “Happy Days” candidate says he is satisfied with the investigation opened by the PNF following the McKinsey affair and denounces the “tax optimization policy” carried out under the Macron five-year term: “A government with our money decides to make public orders to a firm whose head office is in a tax haven!”

Fabien Roussel’s hobbyhorse is therefore tax evasion: “I want to recover the money […] I am thinking of those whose jobs are threatened while the client is doing tax optimization […] It’s freaking me out!” denouncing large corporations that “negotiate their taxes on profits”.

On purchasing power, the communist candidate “[veut] abolish the CSG on pensions”. He also wants to recruit 500,000 civil servants over 5 years, 90,000 teachers, 30,000 police officers, 300,000 nurses, and 100,000 home helpers.

Regarding the feasibility of his program, Fabien Roussel persists and signs: he proposes to track down “those who commit white-collar delinquency” by hiring more tax auditors: “A trader is useless and it costs dear”. He also wants to fully renationalize the SNCF, EDF, Engie, La Poste and Orange and nationalize the main big banks: “I want to regain power over these big companies which the French need to live with dignity” by proposing to want to put an end “to the closure of all emergency services”.

“From the age of 60, we have a life ahead of us, let’s allow that!”

The far left candidate proposes to set up retirement at 32 p.m. “by negotiation, by sector, for difficult and difficult jobs”. In the same logic, he wants to advance the retirement age to 60 years: “It is to allow the work of the youngest! […] From the age of 60, we have a life ahead of us, let’s allow that!

Fabien Roussel finally called for the mobilization of all voters in his favour: “It is time that shared happiness be accessible to all”, then asking the French “to use the ballot paper to [lui] give strength”.

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